View Full Version : 3.5 1 shot

January 25th, 2009, 23:14
I would like to have a short 1 shot 3.5 Dnd game tonight at 9pm. Everyone will need to make a level 1 character from the phb only. This game will only be 2-3 hours max. Something short and fun just to get my "itch" out. Since I cant seem to find my headset it will be purely text based.

DM style: My games are usually more roleplaying based then combat. Also I am a rules lite type of DM. All I want is a smooth flowing game with fairness.

If you are interested please post here or send me a pm. Thankyou.

Note: You will need hamachi(sorry) and no Rule nazi's. Also connection info will be pm'ed to the players.

January 26th, 2009, 19:42
You will get a better response in the future if you mention what time zone you are in so they know when 9PM is.