View Full Version : The House of Healing - Fantasy Grounds

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  1. [MTG2] Ruleset not in list.
  2. HP Not Recalculating When Increasing Stat Bonus
  3. Using LOS after FX
  4. FX Cycling Bug
  5. Just installed my FGU have a question
  6. Password related bug for joining players
  7. Module Export - .png not showing in Open File dialog
  8. Module Export - no confirmation of export in chat window
  9. Low Priority FX Suggestion
  10. Item Forge Errors
  11. Some FX problems
  12. Text displayed in Ref-manual not the same in FGC versus FGU
  13. LOS Overlay
  14. [Call of Cthulhu 7e] Issues with the ruleset
  15. Enhancement Request: Ability to hide the image control frame
  16. Request for support for more languages
  17. Must have same ruleset?
  18. [QUESTION] LOS, Is there a way to add vertices to existing lines?
  19. [REQUEST] LOS Movement Blockers
  20. SWADE Unity Ruleset Attribute roll error
  21. Purchased Modules
  22. Unable to update
  23. 5e menu problem
  24. 5e map problem
  25. Ctrl+Click+Drag doesn't resize windows
  26. System crashes
  27. Damage not registered when increassing number of dices on imported characters
  28. Multiple martial archetypes
  29. Windows always scroll to top
  30. Bug - No global images folder
  31. Fantasy Grounds Unity Praise
  32. Possible Bug?-Selecting and Moving Multiple Tokens
  33. Creating some LOS
  34. Custom campaign question
  35. Excessive Memory Use
  36. Install issue-updater launch error: Couldn't Switch to requested monitor resolution
  37. Large FG Classic Campaign Folder Issue
  38. Party Sheet Error when Deleting Token
  39. Unable to start cloud game (server already registered with your user name)
  40. FGU with Discord
  41. Issue Report - A Tragedy, Nay Catastrophe Of Epic Proportions – All My Campaigns Gone
  42. [SWADE] Character sheet wound graphic problem & Combat tracker group nesting
  43. SWD Error rolling dices.
  44. Invalid Encoding on Campaign Names/Folders
  45. Occluders and the next map
  46. Duplicate Paint Lines
  47. Deleting multiple occluder group throw error
  48. Joining Terrain segments
  49. Snap to Grid draw occluder
  50. Host Campaign Issue
  51. FGU won't open PNG or PSD images
  52. Tables which roll percentile dice
  53. FGU Exit game - no "Return to Launcher" option?
  54. [Bug]Overlapping images
  55. I'm having trouble installing Fantasy Grounds Unity.
  56. Unable to Connect to Host
  57. FG Unity Mutants and Masterminds Ruleset -- Error --
  58. Inconsistent Launcher & Use
  59. 5e Class Specialization Duplication/Single source
  60. Dynamic Lighting
  61. Too big of a campaign?
  62. Unable to launch campaigns
  63. Hosting issues
  64. insane RAM usage 10gb and climbing (possible memory leak?)
  65. Error I got
  66. 5e create spell issues
  67. Bug - Pointers on square and hex grids
  68. Feature request - more pointer cone variants
  69. Issue Report - Min/Maxrelese tags
  70. Bug FX layer cycle constantly
  71. Map not showing in Images and Maps (CoreRPG)
  72. [REQUEST] Move LOS vertices with arrowkeys
  73. Cannot join my local game to test player view
  74. Character Sheet Rest bug
  75. Missing AD&D 2e book
  76. Red Exclamation
  77. Lock doors to GM only and terrains crosing
  78. Font size or upscale option.
  79. When defining LOS, ESC sometimes erases the walls and does not just end drawing
  80. Calendar Module Issues Found
  81. [BUG] LOS see through wall occluder
  82. LoS Omu map
  83. Starfinder Modules Missing
  84. Image display issue in module development [SWADE]
  85. NPC action entry for damage not recognized
  86. Skill checks Ability checks and Ability saves
  87. Possible oversight or suggestion: Is Assets supposed to load everything?
  88. Thanks for all the testing so far
  89. Exploding dice (New Dice Macros)
  90. Access Terrain Open Close when Character on top of button
  91. Issue with modules
  92. Schedule for OS/X Beta Testing?
  93. Walls LOS only working from one side of the door?
  94. oops
  95. Item [FGU-652] - LOS walls are being added to different map. Lost a map.
  96. [Bug] a list of various, as well as a couple of suggestions/ideas
  97. LOS with Masking and sight limits
  98. Bugs when creating a new campaign
  99. Crashes while starting Host Campaign
  100. Tables (Odd cursor movement + Square font added+ Writing overlap)
  101. Bitmap widgets not updating on tokens.
  102. Tooltip in FGU, alignment of text
  103. 3rd Party Mods
  104. Updater always wants to update one particular DLC file
  105. Bug: Making map image or fx invisible, affects another map than selected one.
  106. Bug: FX animation stops/slows/staggers when moving token on map.
  107. Terrain LOS not consistent
  108. [BUG] Layers not selectable anymore since newest update
  109. Update question
  110. Installing unity with FGC
  111. Exporting pregenerated characters console error.
  112. [BUG] NPC Entry UI issues (Possibly 5E Ruleset-specific?)
  113. Add or remove party vision what is it for
  114. FGU Montserrat Font Extension (larger fonts)
  115. Feature requests for post deployment FGU
  116. FGU, Tokens, .GIFs
  117. Assets file full.
  118. Loading module giving Unable to load file error
  119. Startup, loading CT with tokens on map API error
  120. Where to create a new campaign for Spring or Early winter play
  121. Loading adventure paths for PF1
  122. Arrows, charactrers, lights
  123. Second instance screen error
  124. Hostile NPCs reset to Invisible when map closed
  125. Second instance targeting
  126. Options / Facing Indicator not working correctly
  127. Select: Options / Show name not working correctly
  128. Hide invisible NPCs in CT in DM view
  129. Optional Dice Sounds
  130. Community development and steam
  131. Is there any way to attach LOS to "floor assets"?
  132. FGU Image/Map Basics
  133. trouble logging in
  134. Load times for second instance
  135. Expected performance with GPU at higher resolutions?
  136. FGU - Can't start campaign
  137. Locking/Crashing on character switch
  138. LOS videos
  139. Wall Bug
  140. Modules, where are you?
  141. Ref-manual search/keywords "bug"
  142. umlaute not working?
  143. Custom dice strings
  144. PF Theme Design (Possible Style Bug?)
  145. CoreRPG [Fantasy Grounds Unity] - Party Sheet [Tab Order - Marching & Formation]
  146. Special chars
  147. GURPS ruleset and FGU
  148. Bug: Turning on LOS sometimes hides F/X animations.
  149. Bug: Selected tokens become partially transparent when LOS enabled.
  150. Bug (possible): D&D 5E, extra lines added in chat output on critical hit damage roll.
  151. [Bug] Voting icons don't show up for players.
  152. Suggestions: Option to lock tokens in place. Option to lock or link tokens together.
  153. Suggeston: Menu option to disable token rotation on mouse scroll.
  154. (Bug) Loading Pathfinder 1st Ed. Bestiary
  155. [Bug] A0: Crows Rest Island
  156. Error on campaign launch
  157. Bug ? Cannot add items to new groups
  158. Clear lobby of old campaigns
  159. [BUG] Occluders not visible when opening a locked map
  160. Story pins/shortcuts not visible on DotMM maps
  161. Pathfinder 1E Purchased Content not showing for FGU PF2 Campaign
  162. Text does not fit in the form boxes when creating characters
  163. FGU Updater fails to relaunch
  164. Ultimate License Players
  165. The effects and IFT and IF
  166. Removing Story links added to another story
  167. Line of Site Rendering Issue
  168. Starting server fails.
  169. Line of Site Editor - No Vertex Snap
  170. Updater not working properly, claims bad password
  171. Missing items in PHB Equipment List
  172. LOS - Added a secret door, to many points, can not fix my mistake!
  173. I don't get bought modules.
  174. Server downtime at 3:00 PM EST as we resize the server
  175. Abrupt Closure from Windows updating cause Script error upon reload
  176. Lockup when placing token and move it around
  177. D100 table roll error
  178. FGU Incompatibility - Malwarebytes
  179. Question
  180. other players
  181. HiDPI Monitor has TINY fonts
  182. Color Picker window won't close
  183. Cloud Server Testing
  184. Do I have to wait for the release?
  185. Calendar Date Calculations in FGU?
  186. Moduledb xml files from FG Classic to FGU with pins on images
  187. Map UI Questions/Requests
  188. bug report? Disappearing spell lists - pregens lost mines phandelver
  189. Multiple virtual NICs, one real NIC, FG U grabs the wrong one.
  190. Poll: Early Access or Pre-Sale in December
  191. Error in 2E
  192. Disapering spells in 2E
  193. LOS Terrain Options Request: Pits, Holes, Depressions, Floor Traps, Pool and the like
  194. Loading Time and 'Maximum time elapsed' message
  195. Map Import
  196. LOS - Leaking through walls
  197. ERROR Unknown ruleset name (13th_Age)
  198. Occluders have stopped being functional
  199. Do you need to have the same ruleset?
  200. Can't even get Unity to install...
  201. Tokens reverting to previous position
  202. getting an error on module load
  203. [BUG] Use Walls tooltip stuck on mouse pointer
  204. New UI - same as the old UI
  205. Locked Door
  206. FGU support of custom unit size?
  207. [BUG] Maximize Image/Map on client
  208. Folder Access and images not loading
  209. Delimit the FX area?
  210. LOS mode keyboard error
  211. Paint, Stamp tool and Eraser tool issue
  212. Error trying to open modules
  213. Question about ruleset reports
  214. Unable to delete LOS line segment
  215. Joining cloud-hosted game and graphical dice bug
  216. Tiles in Images and maps not visible
  217. Client isn't downloading modules from the GM
  218. ScaleUI?
  219. unauthorized copy, or authorization server is down?
  220. Maps/Tilesets- Cannot use mouse to move selected tiles
  221. Character Sheet Multiclass Skill tab bug
  222. Charsheet Stamp Function
  223. Penetration Dice (HackMaster) Problem
  224. Rise of the Runelords.
  225. Option to Blocking movement on Terrain Walls
  226. Tile button in FGU?
  227. Player Editing Calendars?
  228. Slow loading time - Not Responding message
  229. Layer list entry stuck in GUI layer
  230. Shape issue when line is facing "wrong way"
  231. Combat tracker missing buttons
  232. Doors / Secret Door drawn using single lines
  233. Multithreading resource heavy processes and those that freeze up the interface.
  234. Problem when deleting LOS segment
  235. CoreRPG - Party Sheet - Order Tab [ERROR]
  236. FGU Updater no longer working
  237. FGU Updater Devin Night Tokens
  238. Bug: When image expanded some maps move view incorrectly on CT actor toggle.
  239. LoS and Tokens
  240. Show Name "Tooltip" for tokens only works on Player view sometimes
  241. FGU Deletes Invalid ModuleDB file
  242. Screenshots..
  243. The Mask - Conceal Button (Closed Eye)
  244. Tile Map Resource Organization
  245. Loving the new font and font size.
  246. Advanced Bestiary (PFRPG) Green Ronin Publishing [Error]
  247. Tokens leave image at old location on player view
  248. /reloadext, a /reload console command option for only reloading extensions.
  249. [MGT2] Some errors when i load the ruleset.
  250. FGU 2nd Chance Access?