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  1. #81
    Is this ruleset being updated consistently for the current version of FGU? It seems like a lot of the community rulesets don't meet the necessary requirements to run on the current version of FGU, becoming broken.
    Proud Fantasy Grounds Ultimate Licensee/Game Master with text only games

    Active Campaigns

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2E: A World Aflames

    Call of Cthulhu: Adventures of Davion Falconia

    Campaigns Planned

    Aliens RPG: Frag 'em, Mag Reload! (A Colonial Marine Campaign)

    Cyberpunk RED: Get Geeked, Corpo! (A Night City Adventure against the Mega Corps)

    Fallout 2d20: New Orleans

    GURPS: Prism International (Inspired by Rainbow Six)

  2. #82
    No. It hasn't been worked on in a few years.

  3. #83

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by t3xx3r View Post
    Is this ruleset being updated consistently for the current version of FGU? It seems like a lot of the community rulesets don't meet the necessary requirements to run on the current version of FGU, becoming broken.
    I believe this ruleset is dead.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by GSKlein View Post
    I believe this ruleset is dead.
    That's unfortunate. Looks like FGU mods would need to do spring cleaning.
    Proud Fantasy Grounds Ultimate Licensee/Game Master with text only games

    Active Campaigns

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2E: A World Aflames

    Call of Cthulhu: Adventures of Davion Falconia

    Campaigns Planned

    Aliens RPG: Frag 'em, Mag Reload! (A Colonial Marine Campaign)

    Cyberpunk RED: Get Geeked, Corpo! (A Night City Adventure against the Mega Corps)

    Fallout 2d20: New Orleans

    GURPS: Prism International (Inspired by Rainbow Six)

  5. #85
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  6. #86
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t3xx3r View Post
    That's unfortunate. Looks like FGU mods would need to do spring cleaning.
    We don't delete threads. Too arbitrary and time consuming.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  7. #87
    I added a note to the first post in the thread noting that it appears abandoned and doesn't work; and that the most recent version is officially available in the store with rulebooks and adventures.


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