Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    3.5E & Pathfinder Clustered Attacks

    In order to support the feat Clustered Shots feat, this extension adds a new modifier called CLUSTERED. When toggled, it remains on until untoggled. While toggled, all damage events will be added to the clustered damage pool. After toggling off, all clustered damage will be combined and applied to their targets.


  2. #2
    Kelrugem's Avatar
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    Göttingen (Germany)
    cool, thank you

  3. #3
    This would be very useful for a couple of my games, but I've not yet been able to figure out how to use it.
    Do you need to create an effect to add to the shooter? To the targets? I tried both of those without success (Pathfinder).
    Also, this could be useful for things like Flurry of Blows in Pf2.

  4. #4
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    I'll see about adding a quick video demonstration to the forge, but in the meantime.

    1. Open `Modifiers` in the `Tool` menu from the right side bar.
    2. Enable `Clustered` modifier. (You can also drag it to the hotbar for easier access)
      • It should turn color to indicate its active. In the default theme it should be blueish.
    3. Apply damage against your target(s).
      • Dice will roll and show how much damage that did. However none will be applied yet.
      • The damage text will contain `[CLUSTERED]`.
    4. Continue to apply damage however many times you need to apply damage. (Probably equal to successful attacks)
    5. Disable the `Clustered` modifier.
      • It should lose its color.
    6. All of the damage rolls that were rolled while `Clustered` are applied to the target as one lump sum. This will be accompanied by the normal damage applied text including the blood drop in the default theme.

    Also unfortunately at the moment this is only for the PF1/3.5 ruleset. If I have time I'll look into what it would take to support PF2.

  5. #5
    Thanks so much for the quick reply.
    I don't know what is involved for other rulesets, but I will mention that any Pf2 modules need to be enabled for "Pathfinder 2" and "Pathfinder 2 - Legacy".
    Awesome addition, and very easy to use now that you replied.

  6. #6
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Massachusetts, USA
    @ScribblingRambler it appears PF2 already has an effected called `DMGCOMBINE` which accomplishes the same effect as my Clustered damage.

  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScribblingRambler View Post
    Also, this could be useful for things like Flurry of Blows in Pf2.
    As mentioned by @SoxMax the PF2 ruleset has "damage combination" functionality built in. See this thread: In particular the "Very fast R19 overview" video linked in post #2.

    Details are also included in the "How to use" section of the monk Flurry of Blows activity in the legacy Core Rules DLC, and within the How to use help pages:

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    Last edited by Trenloe; February 18th, 2024 at 18:51.
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