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Thread: Effect Removal?

  1. #11
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by HoloGnome View Post
    I just made a brand new PFRPG campaign (not a caching issue), uploaded the Mavaro/4 pregen I built recently (and was working) - still failed. I also tried connecting locally to my own game and that also didn't show the remove effects icons and just added the remove as another effect to the CT.

    So...whatever is parsing the sheet on load for remove effects isn't working (or it would show the red slash icons for REMOVE: effects).
    This functionality is through an extension. For PFRPG it's this extension: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...oval-Extension This extension provides the crossed-out effects icon and REMOVE: effects functionality - this has never been standard FG functionality.

    The CoreRPG based ability for a player to remove their own effects is not from their character sheet it's directly via the Effects section in the Combat Tracker.
    Last edited by Trenloe; November 25th, 2019 at 01:29.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #12
    Really? I thought it was included a long time ago -- back in 2017? OK - I see from the old thread that it's just the CT. Apologies everyone! Sorry about the red herring.

    I guess I was really confused. Maybe the problem was that it ended up disappearing from my extensions folder somehow. I didn't see it there. Maybe I had a filesystem issue. That would certainly explain it. I didn't change anything in my setup and it just globally stopped working...so I guess it had to be the file, rather than the campaign extension settings.

    Anyway - thankfully, it's working now, with the caveat that the red slashes for REMOVE don't appear in the Starfinder character sheet effects. So, maybe that is something of value from this process.

    Trenloe - does the existing extension need to be updated to include SFRPG in order to work in Starfinder...or will it inherit from 3.5/PFRPG? Thx, again.

  3. #13
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoloGnome View Post
    Trenloe - does the existing extension need to be updated to include SFRPG in order to work in Starfinder...or will it inherit from 3.5/PFRPG? Thx, again.
    The extension was specifically written for 3.5E/PFRPG. Whereas Starfinder started off based off the 3.5E ruleset, there has been quite a few changes - especially on the actions tab. So someone will need to see what's needed to add the icon for Starfinder, and maybe double-check that it doesn't break anything else - it may be that it will need a separate extension for SFRPG specifically.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by HoloGnome View Post
    Really? I thought it was included a long time ago -- back in 2017? OK - I see from the old thread that it's just the CT. Apologies everyone! Sorry about the red herring.

    I guess I was really confused. Maybe the problem was that it ended up disappearing from my extensions folder somehow. I didn't see it there. Maybe I had a filesystem issue. That would certainly explain it. I didn't change anything in my setup and it just globally stopped working...so I guess it had to be the file, rather than the campaign extension settings.

    Anyway - thankfully, it's working now, with the caveat that the red slashes for REMOVE don't appear in the Starfinder character sheet effects. So, maybe that is something of value from this process.

    Trenloe - does the existing extension need to be updated to include SFRPG in order to work in Starfinder...or will it inherit from 3.5/PFRPG? Thx, again.
    Aaaah, okay, I somehow always thought you're actually speaking about the extension, also because you mentioned the extension directly (thus, my previous answer; though I was wondering why you post it then in the house of healing. I may should stop writing when I am really tired like now ). (and with built-in feature I thought you mean the delete effect button in the CT, such that I thought you meant that this is also not working anymore. Yeah, was a bit confused about what you meant )

    To your question: The extension was constructed for 3.5/PF1, so no guarantee for Starfinder (it's probably not defined for Starfinder, at least this has to be changed and when I understood you correctly then you tried that)
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 25th, 2019 at 02:11.

  5. #15
    Yes - sorry about the confusion. I hadn't touched anything in my extensions folder in quite a while (years) -- and the remove extension was missing. I thought I remembered that it was built in, but as Trenloe says, it was just the tracker delete. So, I didn't understand why it all stopped working. And, because it had been so long and I thought it was built in...and I had been having the weird Starfinder effect bugs, I thought it was all possibly related. That's how I got lured into the crazy rabbit hole. The rabbit was really cute-looking...and he had a waistcoat and pocket watch...really!

    I was just trying to finish up my Keskodai pregen, got embroiled in a couple of effect-related bugs, then that caused me to realize that I couldn't remove Starfinder effects. Then, I checked Pathfinder, and that wasn't working either...when it had been working fine just a few days ago. Anyway - it forced me to do some cleanup...and I made the minor change for SFRPG. It seems to mostly work. So, maybe the remove SFRPG update and possible future fix for the missing effect red slash icon will help others at some point...plus the bugs that I reported earlier.

    Everything makes more sense now when not eating the cake!!
    Last edited by HoloGnome; November 25th, 2019 at 02:32.

  6. #16

    Join Date
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    San Diego, CA
    I will leave this here for the amusement of others, but please... pay no attention to this, and have a lovely day!

    It's all working just fine. I find that if I make a post about a problem, I suddenly figure it out.

    -------------- original

    I'm super late to this party, but this is happening with me now as well, under Pathfinder 1 ruleset.

    I used to get action buttons with slashes when I did a REMOVE:xxxx spell action, but the slashes are no longer showing up, it creates an action button that adds an effect of literally "REMOVE:xxxx" in the CT.

    Not the end of the world, but bleh.
    Last edited by crossbow57; November 18th, 2021 at 02:24.

  7. #17
    I’m general, please start a new thread for anything older than a few months old to report. This thread is over two years old and no longer relevant.

    Players can remove effects they add directly in their combat tracker. Start a second instance, connect to your own game and try for yourself.

    Going to close this thread.


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