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  1. #71
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteTiki View Post

    I would definitely like to manage or run this product. My idea, as I commented above, was to make a PDF just like the "Quick Start Guides" you find from the official WotC D&D 5th material. Now I understand the reasons and it sounds logical that it needs to be in the Wiki entry. As you said, the wiki editor and getting access to it is not easy, so let me first study all the basics, codes and things I need to learn about the wiki editor (if you can guide me in a right direction with some tutorials you know I will appreciate it, if not, I'll search for some) and then I'll let you know so we can properly get started with this project.

    Also as a first-release I'll like to share with you some design ideas, table of contents, etc to see if you agree with the general distribution of the information if you don't mind. After that, the second step would be to select the platform I'm going to use to develop this wiki entry for admins and participants to revise it also (it could be in some FG section or google docs, etc.)
    Hey whiteTIKI I personally really value QuickStartGuides for RPGs. I so rarely have the time to read a full rulebook. Ok I lie. I never have time to read a full rulebook.
    PDF is the usual format for this but getting it into the Wiki will be better long term for helping build the info there. Additioanally if you develop a good format it can be used for other systems.
    In terms of the Wiki - it doesnt support very complex formatting - stick with Bold, Underline, Italic, Bullets and Tables. Avoid anything fancier!
    As above - I will help you in any way I can and can help pull some other contributors together too. It is probably too big a task for one prson to see all the way thru unless you are really keen!

  2. #72
    rob2e's Avatar
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    Hey guys, I really want to become a MASTER at FG. I'm willing to participate on whatever level you wish to develop tools for people. I have ZERO skills in programming, but I have desire! Please let me know how I can be helpful...

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  3. #73
    damned's Avatar
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    I think right now rob2e that gathering together all the bits and pieces of info that you found useful would be a great start. Especially forum posts but also which videos really helped too.

  4. #74
    @Tiki => Mate, as I said, different people learn in different ways, so a pdf and/or Wiki entries is only going to help, so I encourage you in your endeavors. I think (in hindsight) I might have "jumped too soon" and misinterpreted what you were saying - sorry about that. Good luck with things, andif you've got any questions feel free to ask - I'll answer them if I can


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  5. #75
    jh79's Avatar
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    So far I totally agree with WhiteTiki that this added PDF avenue would be of great benifit too, along with videos and a class. An awesome triangle of learning. I was a little disheartened to see argueing going on in a thread I had started for the good of learning FG. This is not a competition of video makers vrs other avenues of learning, we can do everything, we are a close community, so let's work together. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the time that was put into the videos, and yes I did watch them all. I think continuing videos would be awesome along with a quick start pdf, and if someone runs a class.

    The one thing I would like to say about the class benefits was three fold from feedback I received. Interactivity, hands on work, and attention spans. With the interactivity all questions were answered on the fly, and covered the whole of FG. Questions popped up from totally unexpected places and from other areas of FG than the current topic I was discussing. Meaning it was not so linear like videos, even though there was a lesson plan.

    The second thing was it was a hands on class, meaning everyone actually built a test module as we all went along together, covering all the buttons needed, to build one. That's the way I meant hands on, and it seemed to work well in the class. The students would always have their test module to refer back to.

    The last benifit, since it was a class, all the information was there in one place, and not spread out through many many videos, and questions were instantly answered as opposed to a PDF, where you would have to search for it and hopefully it was there. So the attention spans were not scattered or waning and everyone seemed focused and enthusiastic.

    So I think all three avenues of learning would be of great benifit to FG users. WhiteTiki, I will try to make some time soon, and if you would like we can get together and I can give you a complete breakdown of what I taught, maybe this would also help your project.

    I also have received some pm's from people that are interested in continuing the class, so I will get with them and show them what I had done and hopefully it can continue.
    Last edited by jh79; October 19th, 2015 at 15:39.
    Thanks JH79
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  6. #76
    LOL jh79, I was addressing your name before as "Grand Templar" because of your "rank" in forums or however that's called. I just edited my previous posts

    I was a little disheartened to see argueing going on in a thread I had started for the good of learning FG. This is not a competition of video makers vrs other avenues of learning, we can do everything, we are a close community, so let's work together.
    Don't be, I think it was just a little misunderstanding and I take credit for that, my native language is not English so sometimes its hard for me to put my ideas into the correct words in a post. And that's precisely the reason why I'll need support when creating the wiki entry.

    I thought that having videos and clases was enough for players and DMs to learn whatever they needed to, so when dulux-oz said he was on his way with some DM series of videos I just relaxed because I felt that was enough (I personally prefer videos and clases than text), then you guys said that thing about "people learning in different ways" which I guess its true so I'll continue with this project.

    Any questions, suggestions, doubts or other stuff that comes up related to what I'll be doing I'll be asking for your help (damned, dulux-oz, jh79 "grand templar") if you guys are ok with it. Maybe through PM's for revisions or something similar.


    whiteTiki: Adventurers League Player
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  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by jh79 View Post
    Hello everyone, I will be conducting hands-on Fantasy Grounds 5e training class workshops once a month, the first Saturday of every month at 9AM ET, over TeamSpeak for DM's new to Fantasy Grounds. The class size will be 6 people.

    This class will encompass and teach all features of Fantasy Grounds and 5e functionality, and is specifically focused for DM's playing 5e. The 3 hour workshop will teach all aspects of the Fantasy Grounds interface for DM's, all the buttons and commands and how to use them. We will also build a sample module, including adding monster NPCs, text, treasure, images, maps, and how to link them to the the story. Many more things will be taught also.

    The focus will be to provide formal training to DM's with little or no experience with Fantasy Grounds features. You can be an aspiring DM or an experienced one, both will benefit equally from the training if you are new to Fantasy Grounds.

    To enter this class you will need either a full or Ultimate licence, we will all have our own DM instances up for the majority of the class, 2/3, as I explain each feature. Please make sure to take notes, a notebook and your favorite pen would be highly recommended, alternatively you could take notes in notepad or even in FG with the notes button, a lot of info will be given at a moderate pace.

    Towards the end of the class, 1/3, everyone will log onto my server and a full demo will be given including a full combat encounter. If you're interested in uncovering the full power of Fantasy Grounds, PM me for a spot in a class and you will have the tools to start DMing your own FG groups.
    Can I just pay someone to give me some one on one-time cause I work for a living and 9am on Saturday when I work 6 days a week will never happen. I am will to pay up to 50 dollars for someone to teach me how to properly use this.

    If not than I wasted 160.00 or what ever it was cause this interface at least right now is confusing and I have had it for over a year.

    I am not a auditory or visual learner I am a hands on learner. So if I have to I will pay for someone to help me since this workshop only runs on one day at a specific time with 6 people...so it isn't like I can take off work and then come to the class and be like opps sorry chump your SOL

  8. #78
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaimick View Post
    Can I just pay someone to give me some one on one-time cause I work for a living and 9am on Saturday when I work 6 days a week will never happen.
    The post you reference was made over 5 years ago and that option is no longer available.

    I suggest you look at Fantasy Grounds College here: https://fantasygroundscollege.net/ They frequently have sessions (some one-on-one) to help people get started with Fantasy Grounds.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  9. #79
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    As Trenloe says, reach out to FG College. If something on their schedule does not fit yours, then they have a form on the website you can file out called an Assistance Request. There you can put your schedule restrictions/availability and what classes/info you need. https://fantasygroundscollege.net/assistance-request/

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

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