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  1. #11
    Updated to 3.3.12

  2. #12
    Does this work with PF2? I have installed it, and FGU says it has loaded, but dang if I can find it anywhere when I open the program. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place.

    I think this would work great for my campaign where I need an "unluck aura" from gremlins.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by TripleKidney View Post
    Does this work with PF2? I have installed it, and FGU says it has loaded, but dang if I can find it anywhere when I open the program. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place.

    I think this would work great for my campaign where I need an "unluck aura" from gremlins.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.
    I never tried it out there

    When you have loaded the extension, then just apply the effect keladvantage (or keldisadvantage) directly before the roll you want to make

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    I never tried it out there

    When you have loaded the extension, then just apply the effect keladvantage (or keldisadvantage) directly before the roll you want to make
    I got it to work! I created an effect with the names you provided, dragged them to the effected PC, and tested a few save rolls. Works great. Thanks!

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by TripleKidney View Post
    I got it to work! I created an effect with the names you provided, dragged them to the effected PC, and tested a few save rolls. Works great. Thanks!

  6. #16
    Updated to the most current version of FG

  7. #17
    New update, it should be now much more compatible with CoreRPG-based rulesets

  8. #18
    This extension is now on the forge Beware, it has the prefix Feature:, so, you may need to activate it again And there is only the version with the automatic removal; I plan to add a setting about whether or not it is the automatic removal one such that there will be only one extension

    Forge link: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/6/view

  9. #19
    New update

    Now there is only one extension; I've added an option where you can (de)activate a possible automatic removal of the effects (under Effect automation in the options)

    And the chat messages are now more "beautiful", they will have the typical green or red colour if using advantage and disadvantage, respectively; the chat message will also list which numbers were dropped now (if more than one die was affected, then it will show all dropped numbers in the same order as the dice results they were compared with. So, [DROPPED 5, 7] and a result of 6, 8 means that you had advantage (so, 5 smaller than 6 and therefore 5 was dropped))

  10. #20
    I have updated this extension. Mainly for streamlining; for users nothing changes, but I have a note for fellow devs: This extension adds now rRoll.adv as an integer to affected rolls. If rRoll.adv is positive or negative, then it has advantage or disadvantage, respectively. If it is zero or nil, then the corresponding roll is not affected. This allows to count (dis)advantage effects
    Last edited by Kelrugem; December 18th, 2021 at 20:33.

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