5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Have: FGU Ultimate License from KS, Lots of Questions. Dont Have: Any Skill

    As the title says, I bought the ultimate license on KS, and never even activated it until the last week when I remembered I had it. But my issue is that I have so little knowledge that I dont even know what I dont know. I tried finding videos online, but they all seem to be DnD focused, and there is no chance I am playing that. I might try one of the other games, but what I really want to do is playtest my own system. Some questions:

    Where can I find some videos that are not DnD focused?
    How hard is it to implement a rules set?
    I looked through the content, and one thing I didnt see where old west buildings. Are there any I missed? If not, can I just import my own jpgs?

    Lets test out my n00bitude. Since I have an unlimited license, my friends dont need anything but the freebie, right? And any content I have will be shared with them while they are connected to me?

    Any direction is helpful. I have used roll20 a bit, but not much. I really am completely new to what a VTT can offer.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tunglashr View Post
    I looked through the content, and one thing I didnt see where old west buildings. Are there any I missed? If not, can I just import my own jpgs?

    Lets test out my n00bitude. Since I have an unlimited license, my friends dont need anything but the freebie, right? And any content I have will be shared with them while they are connected to me?
    No western buildings included for free I know of. Yes you can import your own image files. Check out the wiki linked from the Help pulldown at the top of the website.

    Yes, your players can connect to you and play with the free demo license. And they can access/load anything you share with them.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Im in the same boat but a week or two ahead of you. For rulesets, the easiest thing to do is buy the rulebook for the game you want to play and have it autoload all that. Any rulebooks you use can be "shared" with the other players.
    The D&D videos are the most common and the best made overall. The process is the same for all games. Ive been working on images/maps which is a big bulk of the system.
    Get in and tinker with stuff and see what happens. Do this with the wiki open, and maybe even follow along in tutorials just to get the feel for the buttons and how it flows.

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Hi tunglasher, welcome to FG.

    What games system are you interested in playing and we may be able to point you in the right direction. You can write your own one of course but that's hundreds of hours of work and requires knmowledge of a couple of programming languages.

    The basic operation of FG as others have said is the same across any ruleset so watching any generic video which shows how to work things like the map making, Line of Sight etc will be the same.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #5

    I would recommend taking a free class at FGC. FYI all of their classes are free.

    Everyone I have meet there is nice and very helpful. You might want to start with one of the New users classes. I think they are more DND based but the teacher can give you direction on next steps for what you are wanting to do.

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