1. #1

    Using a gridded map outside of combat

    Fellow DMs, do you use gridded maps for general roleplay when not in an encounter/ combat?

    If so, do you keep movement to turn-based via the the Combat Tracker or are players free to move their characters around themselves in real time?

    I have situations where I will have a full map of a dungeon with traps and encounters, but it seems odd to only put the tokens down when there's combat. Likewise, it seems odd to do everything in that dungeon in turn order.

    Not sure if I'm explaining well, but would appreciate some input.

  2. #2
    I use gridded maps all of the time mainly to scale tokens. If they are using the map just to tell me what they are doing I keep it free to move. If there is a possibility of combat or traps and I need to know what they are doing exactly I the lock down the tokens.

  3. #3
    I was just about to ask 'how do I lock down tokens??'... but then I think I remember that not being a feature on FGU yet - which is what I'm using. Is that right?

    I could use with the tokens being locked down but with the players able to ping where they want to move.

  4. #4
    I am not a FGU master. I am playing with it. In FGC not a master yet either but if you right click on a token on a map you can lock all of the tokens so the DM can approve their moves after the player moves how he wants to.

  5. #5
    For my group we have two types of movement in dungeons. One is regular combat situation. All rules apply. The second is when there isn't combat. We proceed in marching order. On a characters turn they get a single move action. No double moves , I will allow them to open an unlocked door or drawer and things of that nature.

    Edit* I only allow one action. Either a single movement or a skill check ect.
    Last edited by Levryl; July 22nd, 2020 at 19:45. Reason: clarification

  6. #6
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I use maps, gridded or not, most all of the time. (whenever possible)

    If they are moving the original Undermountain, along the Sword Coast, etc then I use a "party" token so they can show me where they are and such. Then I will switch to encounter/battle maps as needed where we normally go into 'combat mode' with initiative etc.

    But even on combat maps a lot of times we are out of turn, and the players move their tokens freely. BUT, they know that if they do not move together and someone triggers an event, then it happens with everyone's tokens wherever they are at that moment. For instance, take a place like the town of Leilon, if two characters move across town and everyone else is still at the gate and the two trigger an event (bandits, cultists, wyvern, whatever). The combat starts with every character where its token is. They quickly learn not to move more than 30-50 ft from the rest of the party and when using LOS in FGU, not to poke around in places they don't (yet) want to go.

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  7. #7
    Ignore, see below.
    Last edited by TeddyQ; July 22nd, 2020 at 21:25. Reason: repeated

  8. #8
    I will typically use maps in much the same way as LordEntrails stated. It is important to "train/enlighten" your players as to how you play out their movement or actions with how you will activate any encounters, especially on a virtual table. The Theater of the Mind extension is something else I will use, kind of a blend of the "map" with freedom from the 5ft grid.


    I don't necessarily stick to a format of one action per "turn" while out of combat and will often allow the players to describe their planned action(s) and then describe what occurs from there. Two points on that though, first always make sure I have given each player some time and attention before describing the outcomes. Second, the amount of activity that I allow the players to complete (not describe or plan) is dependent on the what "drama" is occurring behind the screen. So if there is an imminent ambush or nearby trap, I might only describe what occurs in a round-by-round manner. Timmy wants to capture butterflies on his way to the creek, Lassie wants to relax for once and sniff around to see what Mrs Squirrel has been digging at: Timmy chases a butterfly, Lassie sniffs at Mrs Squirrel's tree trunk. Timmy catches the butterfly and excitedly twirls around, Lassie sniffs at and follows the trail of Mrs Squirrel. Timmy twirls around until he is dizzy and then stumbles through the field towards the creek, Lassie hot on the trail of Mrs Squirrel heads towards a fallen tree where she hears some kind of chittering. Timmy Falls into a 10ft pit trap and the kobolds that revenge-seeking Mrs Squirrel hired to take out that nosey Lassie and her pesky "Mr Squirrel eating" no-fur side-kick launch their ambush.

    Yes FGU does not currently have the option to Lock-down tokens, likely after beta.

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