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  1. #1

    [Actual Play] "Hell to Pay," an Old West/Horror One-shot

    Howdy Folks!

    I ran my first-ever Fantasy Grounds game last night, and it was a total blast.

    Really looking forward to more down the line, great stuff. Here's a post with some notes and a couple of videos of the Actual Play (GM's view, Player's view).
    Last edited by TheMookNet; October 22nd, 2017 at 21:57.
    How to Be a GURPS GM, author
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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It was hell-a fun.

    *Throws up hand to play in future games*
    Timezone: Australian EST (GMT +10).
    Systems/Rulesets: GURPS 4th Edition.
    Campaigns (Ultimate License Holder)
    GURPS Traveller - The Empty Peace
    GURPS Shadowrun - Power Plays
    GURPS Banestorm - Dark Clouds Rising

  3. #3
    Interested, too, schedule permitting. Old West Horror is a great genre I've never actually played.

  4. #4
    Saw this on YouTube and loved it. Got goosebumps at the mental image of the centipede coming out of the bartender's mouth and running into his ear. I had really never thought of playing horror until I saw "Hell to Pay." It was really well done.

    Mook - I do not know if you still watch these but if you do I want to say THANK YOU for your website and all the work you have done - and then shared with everyone. It's awe inspiring and humbling.
    Last edited by rperito; October 7th, 2018 at 05:10.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Western New York
    I watched some of the video from the game run, but with my hearing being what it is - could not make out the entirety of the conversation. That having been said, seeing the maps, and the counters and all, I have to ask...

    Where did you get those Mook?


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rperito View Post
    Saw this on YouTube and loved it. Got goosebumps at the mental image of the centipede coming out of the bartender's mouth and running into his ear. I had really never thought of playing horror until I saw "Hell to Pay." It was really well done.

    Mook - I do not know if you still watch these but if you do I want to say THANK YOU for your website and all the work you have done - and then shared with everyone. It's awe inspiring and humbling.
    rperito, sorry I didn't notice this until now, but thank you so much for taking the time to post! I'm stoked you enjoyed the game, and the website. Feedback, good and bad, is the best fuel for creating more. I haven't been able to give it as much attention as I'd like lately, but 2019 is lookin' good.

    Quote Originally Posted by HalC View Post
    I watched some of the video from the game run, but with my hearing being what it is - could not make out the entirety of the conversation. That having been said, seeing the maps, and the counters and all, I have to ask...

    Where did you get those Mook?

    Hiya, Hal. As with most games, it was a hodgepodge pulled from a variety of sources.

    First step was just assembling random pics from Google searches, for the PCs as well as main NPCs and monsters. (Side note: unless I have a very specific vision of a monster I want as an enemy, I always find it much easier to search images until I find something I think is cool and then statting it up, instead of the other way around)

    Second was to make tokens, again for PCs and NPCs alike. For that, I simply dragged the pics into this amazing token tool to make hex-shaped tokens for everyone.

    The town map also showed up in an image search - looks like a screen cap of a video game maybe, but I couldn't tell you which one.

    Finally, all of the building/encounter maps were purchased from DrivethruRPG... I believe the grand total for all the maps was like $11. (I have a variety of map making programs, but time is always short, and old west symbols/maps aren't always easy to find). The ones I grabbed were:

    Townscapes: Blacksmith Map
    Townscapes: General Store
    Townscapes: Stables
    Western Maps: Bank
    Western Maps: Brothel
    Western Maps: Sheriff's Office and Jail

    I think that's everything... hope that helps!
    How to Be a GURPS GM, author
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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Western New York
    Thanks for the heads up on those links - I'll be sure to look at them (for horses at the very least!)

    When you get the chance, take a gander at the thread GURPS OLD WEST thread. I've been listing some resources that might be useful for GMs in case they're interested. One that I came across today is called THE PRARIE TRAVELER published in 1859. It has some pretty serious information on how to survive the trip, what to take, etc. But in addition to that, it lists the travel on overland routes from one location to the next and then describes what to expect at those locations. So, the first part of the trip might be 15 miles - ending at a farm, but where there is a ferry. Then the next might be 11 miles to the next stopping point. If you've ever read information on how armies move, where they decamp and then get into marching order, you will realize that a large "Train" of pioneers might take a little while until they are all lined up on the road or trail and moving towards a given destination.

    Long story short, the link on that thread might be useful information. And darn it - the more I read my old reference books or search for things that might be of use, the more tempted I am to try and run another Old West game via FG. I've got on in the tubes now running a cyberpunk campaign with two players set in Night City 2048 AD (a cross between GURPS CYBERPUNK and Night City background, definitely NOT the usual CP2020 mindset!). But opposite of that, I am SOOOOOoooooo tempted. Between Aces and Eights material, older Boot Hill Material, GURPS material, plus all of my reference books including TIME/LIFE series books - not to mention the one book on Railroads I picked up special for research into the Kansas Pacific - well, dang it all, I've got an itch like a burr in my clothing - just doesn't seem to want to go away!

    *teasing grin*

    If you're using GCA for your character sheets, let me know if you want the Adventure Guns data file that I created. I can simply email it to you as an attachment (I still have your email).

    For what it is worth, I also have all of those nice WHITEWASH CITY files that I purchased (got the big purchase back in the day when I had spending money) - and it isn't too hard to make maps for use with FG from it. That is another 45 floor plans I can use for any shoot out, any role playing action etc.

    So, why am I all so darned reluctant to offer another FG game session darn it!


  8. #8
    Do it, Hal... Do EET!
    How to Be a GURPS GM, author
    Game Geekery, Blog (GURPS combat examples, fillable PDF sheets, rules summaries, campaigns and one-shots, intro for beginners)
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  9. #9
    Good stuff, I think Okd West would be great, straight historical (tons of interesting material even without fantasy or pulp thrown in).

    You might throw this into the mix for all those wagon train resources you listed: https://syrinscape.com/store/147-wag...ney-highlands/

    Good tip by Mook about finding the image first and statting up second.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by HalC View Post
    One that I came across today is called THE PRARIE TRAVELER published in 1859.

    WOW, that is one helluva resource, HalC -- thanks!
    How to Be a GURPS GM, author
    Game Geekery, Blog (GURPS combat examples, fillable PDF sheets, rules summaries, campaigns and one-shots, intro for beginners)
    Discord, unofficial GURPS hangout and real-time chat

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