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  1. #1

    Palladium Fantasy or Heroes Unlimited Ruleset?

    Hello Everyone... Me and 8 other friends just bought into FG and we're going to start up some GURPS and nWOD games, but we really wanted to play some Palladium systems. I've noticed RIFTS is listed here, but I was wondering...

    Is anyone out there working on Palladium Fantasy or Heroes Unlimited Ruleset?

    I myself lack the smrts to create one. If anyone is making such a ruleset, PLEASE let me know. If not I may have to learn XML and try and modify the RIFTS sheet posted on Wiki... but that would be uber hard for a simple minded person such as myself.


  2. #2
    My group is playing in the Palladium world, but using the 4th edition system.

    Here is my Palladium background.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Since this thread was resurrected...does anyone have a Palladium/RIFTS homebrew useable with FG? I'm having some success with one of my games that I tried converting over to GURPS 4th. GURPS is satisfying but feels more crunchy. My players would be interested in continuing another campaign I have in Palladium Fantasy if possible.

  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paladiusdarkhelm View Post
    Since this thread was resurrected...does anyone have a Palladium/RIFTS homebrew useable with FG? I'm having some success with one of my games that I tried converting over to GURPS 4th. GURPS is satisfying but feels more crunchy. My players would be interested in continuing another campaign I have in Palladium Fantasy if possible.
    Have you looked into MoreCore and all the die rolls available there? You might be able to do it right in MoreCore without much effort.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #6
    MoreCore should work. I have played with it a little this evening and have an idea of how to make it work for Palladium Fantasy. Now, all I need is more time to add everything!

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Yep! I am using the rolls library and found a way to set up most things in the "Rolls" section as well....skill, spells, weapons, etc. - under separate categories.

  9. #9
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LongShot View Post
    Yep! I am using the rolls library and found a way to set up most things in the "Rolls" section as well....skill, spells, weapons, etc. - under separate categories.
    There is a couple of new Spells features that are pretty rudimentary at the moment.
    Mostly used for tracking of spells.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    There is a couple of new Spells features that are pretty rudimentary at the moment.
    Mostly used for tracking of spells.

    1st edition would lend well to tracking spells cast per day.
    2nd edition uses spell points. The COMBAT window in the upper right of the MORECORE tab should work well.

    Weapons are the thing I am trying to figure out at the moment. I can set up an item, but not sure how to add any "to hit" or "damage" or Parry" stats, etc.
    Last edited by LongShot; July 8th, 2018 at 04:22.

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