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  1. #1

    Story groups not visible to players?

    I’m not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but when I assign story entries to a group & then share them with players (public) those groups are not visible in the players’ story window.

    This seems counter-intuitive: If I share multiple story arcs with players it’s all jumbled up for them. I would have expected my categories/groups to be preserved in the Player view.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome voretaq7

    Views are local to you.
    You can really only share views when you export a module.
    You could make an Index Story A entry and then drag each story as you share it drag it in as a link.

  3. #3

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    I'll agree though; that does seem counter-intuitive. If the user (or DLC Dev) goes to the trouble of organizing anything, shouldn't that organization be preserved upon sharing?

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Dunno. In the big scheme of things this grouping is only a few revisions old. Maybe people havent asked that of Moon Wizard yet. Maybe its because for the most part you dont share oodles and oodles of stories. Maybe players are expected to group them in ways that make sense to them? I dont have the answer as to why.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Dunno. In the big scheme of things this grouping is only a few revisions old. Maybe people havent asked that of Moon Wizard yet. Maybe its because for the most part you dont share oodles and oodles of stories. Maybe players are expected to group them in ways that make sense to them? I dont have the answer as to why.
    If players could make their own groups it would be less of an issue, but as best I can tell as a player I can't assign a shared story to a group.
    The same issue seems to exist in Images with a twist: The module-defined groups seem to be showing up, but GM-created groups aren't. At the moment I don't have any module-created story groups but I suspect they'd behave the same way?

    Ideally I'd like to use the Stories feature for game lore, but at the moment I'm also using it to store session summaries for my players so when there's a bunch of schedule conflicts and we don't game for 2 weeks people still remember what we've done. (I could repurpose the Adventure Log for this since that's really what it is, but writing it up for each player is work and I'm the world's laziest GM: In pen-and-paper land this was a binder with one page per session that players could leaf through, the logical equivalent in FG would seem to be a group of public stories.)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Welcome voretaq7
    You could make an Index Story A entry and then drag each story as you share it drag it in as a link.
    The index story was my first idea, but alas I still have to share each linked story (so the player's list gets cluttered). I suppose I could name them all "(group) Title" but that's equally grotty.

    This is all the program's way of making me actually build a module for the campaign isn't it?
    Tricksy software, trying to make me do actual campaign management instead of scribbling it in a notebook as we go!

  7. #7
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    There is an extension called message of the day, which is an excellent tool for conveying catch up information. Find it here
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

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    damned's Avatar
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    See the link in Zacchaeus signature. Think about how to word it exactly and add it to the Wishlist and post the link back here for people to vote on.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Welcome voretaq7

    Views are local to you.
    You can really only share views when you export a module.
    You could make an Index Story A entry and then drag each story as you share it drag it in as a link.
    I tried to organize my stories a bit. The list was getting too long.
    • Found I could drag stories to a group. /cheer
    • But my players couldn't see them. /boo
    • Created an entry containing the links to a non shared story. They can't read it. /boo
    • Set the story to public. The can read it. /cheer
    • Oh no, but they are also visible in the (New) group, which defeats the purpose of grouping them in the first place. /boo

    At the moment, it seems not possible to organize the stories without resorting to modules. Will do that later on, but am still working up to that. Created a wish entry: as I can create a group as a DM, it would be nice if I could share the group, or the stories in it grouped.
    Last edited by Milmoor; July 11th, 2020 at 16:21.

  10. #10
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