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  1. #11

  2. #12
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Heya Nylanfs,since FG-Con we all paused to catch our breath, though we are discussing ways to open the discussion up and bring it to those who may not all ready be playing RPG's.
    When I first started playing RPG's I did some research on whether or not RPG's were all ready being utilized specifically as a therapeutic or educational tool. Didn't find anything that established that one way or another but I ran across this paper and saved the link. One of the things that drew me in and kept me in despite some bad experiences was the awareness of this potential and the dream? that I could be a part of expanding the awareness that though this is an awesome hobby/leisure activity, it can be sooooo much more.

  3. #13
    Did you see this article in the New Yorker? It touches briefly on RPG's for therapy.

  4. #14
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Actually, there appear to be quite a bit on it (see search results) including in reputable journals (Psychology Today) and the National Inst. of Health funded study.

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  5. #15
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Thanks for all those excellent links Lord Entrails, I will pass them on to the team. Amazing how much more this is recognized in just the past two years from the various dates on the articles.
    Theater training included all of this information, but as applied to live acting/role-playing, and the therapeutic origins of theater.

  6. #16
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    In earlier posts I mentioned that Savage Mojo’s participation in the last FG-Con was just the first of what hopefully will become many events in support of this initiative, but more importantly providing those with limitations the opportunity to be involved in beneficial social activities and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of role-playing.
    While the team is preparing for the next FG-Daze and FG-Con all ready, several of us also plan to run at least a few sessions through the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
    For those struggling with social isolation for any reason the holidays can be especially difficult, at the same time a lot of regular games go on hold because GM’s are busy with their own holiday preparations. So we are making a conscious effort to help those we can reach fill some of that void. In the next week or two watch the one shot thread on the forums for the particular games being offered, feel free to sign up and please encourage anyone you know who may be struggling to find games, or groups they feel comfortable with to do so as well.
    And as always for details, further info, suggestions or offers of help contact Clyde @ [email protected]

  7. #17
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Each month a little more progress towards the overarching goals of this group. Clyde and I both have games scheduled over the coming holiday weekend, still a few seats available. I am particularly pleased, in this game I am welcoming back a friend to Fantasy Grounds and RPG's after he stopped nearly 3 years ago, and like so many of us, can really gain from the many positive benefits of playing RPG's. (Actually he has all ready played a couple of sessions of Trail of Cthulu that I talked a GM into as part of the persuasion package). This will be the first time he has sat through a game I have run, and I know the community will help create a positive experience for him this time around.
    And we are all ready planning the Christmas one shots.

  8. #18
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    I haven't updated here for a while, but I am going to start catching up now. The Savage Mojo team has been working hard in the background, laying the groundwork for all future plans. Since I last posted we have made some great progress.
    First, Caladon Falls in the Suzerain was released for Fantasy Grounds yesterday. In the coming week the last 3 will be releasing as well. With these, all of the Suzerain Continuum settings published to date by Savage Mojo will be on Fantasy Grounds. It was important to get these done first, to persuade people to try on Fantasy Grounds the material had to be ready first.
    Also over the next month you will see a free modules in the store, one for every setting on the Suzerain Continuum. These include the free one sheets and pre-gens that Savage Mojo has published to give you an opportunity to test run the advanced campaigns for free.
    Clyde and I have both been running one shots fro FG-Con, FG-Daze and through the holidays. Savage Mojo has created a dedicated thread on their forums exclusively for session reports of games using Suzerain settings and Fantasy Grounds.
    Clyde has also been over at the FG Academy on Discord working with the people over there. Now that I have finished the modules, and Gunbunnyfufu has updated the Suzerain extension, we are working to move to the next phase.
    In between the big events of FG-Con and FG-Daze we have worked out scheduling games on a regular basis. By the end of this month I will be posting Wednesday night Savage Suzerain sessions, Clyde will be running early afternoons on Saturdays, well morning to him out there on the left coast.
    I will be updating here now more regularly, and we are still working on training additional GM's to run Suzerain products on Fantasy Grounds.
    Most important to me though was bringing back a friend as a player who had left the games for a couple of years, but is a member of our target group, people struggling with disabilities and social isolation.

  9. #19
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    I am super happy the last 4 Savage Suzerain settings from Savage Mojo have been released on Fantasy Grounds. So now all things Suzerain can be played on our favorite VTT ready to go. This was a big project for me, and I really want to thank all the guys at Smiteworks for their patience and support while I worked my way through the learning curve, and especially Ikael, without his genius I could have done none of this. And James, thank you for being a perfectionist and challenging me to do the best I could.
    And finally, the team at Savage Mojo, Miles M. Kantir and Clyde Clark for their feedback, discussions, encouragement and acceptance in helping me keep these modules as true to the published material as possible while integrating with the fantastic automation on Fantasy Grounds. We worked together on stuff like deciding how best to create the telesma in the modules (they are there as PC allies).
    A few free modules to finish up, and I will be focusing on running games as part of the Legends Awaken initiative, and returning to writing, though whether for games or for stage is yet to be seen.

  10. #20
    Following on from the discussion above...

    A Call To Arms

    The Legends Awaken initiative is a new way for you to enjoy being part of a shared gaming experience. Want to be a part of some amazing gaming? Savage Mojo is giving out free Fantasy Grounds modules for GMs who are willing to run games, and we're happy to provide friendly support and guidance along the way.

    At Savage Mojo we've been hard at work, with huge thanks to Ellspeth for her efforts in converting material from PDF to Fantasy Grounds. We've taken all the books for the award-winning Suzerain setting and have been making it available for FG adventuring. It was quite the adventure in its own right!

    Now that's largely done, we'd like to invite you, the community, to enjoy what we've created, to become part of creating the next generation of world lore through your own gaming sessions. Ellspeth has graciously agreed to be a welcoming and friendly face of our Legends Awake Initiative alongside Clyde, the Suzerain Guide.

    What do you need to do to score free loot?

    Let us know you want to play in games. Ellspeth and Clyde will happily tell you more about the Suzerain universe and show you a bunch of pre-gen material which can get you into it. If you're willing to GM a game at the up-coming FG-Con (, or set up a gaming group to play outside of that, we'll give you the full Gamemasters Edition of Savage Suzerain for free. On the house. With our compliments.

    It's as simple as that. Say hi, enjoy gaming, and get goodies.
    Last edited by Miles M Kantir; March 2nd, 2018 at 01:31.
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