5E Character Create Playlist

Thread: Map Ping

  1. #1

    Map Ping

    Has anyone thought to implement a map-wide 'ping'?

    I was thinking of using a OOB Message that would specify the window+image control and some coordinates to snap the clients to. If the window isn't open, it'd open it and snap to the point of ping. In addition it could make the map shared to all clients if not shared already.

    The bigger issue oddly enough is displaying a temporary graphic. Mortgarra's hack for a timer based off client pings can be used, but I'd rather not rely on connection ping-backs to display a simple graphic. The need for the graphic is relevant for small maps or edge cases such as corners or map edges where the snap coordinates won't be clear. If the snap location is near a map edge and the player's viewport is already at said edge or location, it may not be obvious as the viewport may not shift at all.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I thought I saw something similar on the wishlist. And doesn't clicking on the icon/portrait on the CT already open the map the token/character is on? A flash, graphic or ping would be nice though, not only for your edge cases, but for busy maps.

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  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Many people have requested a Ping type feature... if you can get it to work Im sure others would love to use it.
    As you suggest there are ways to do it currently that have some limitations.

  4. #4
    The OOB is perfectly doable and trivial, I've had to mingle a bit in the chat manager. It's the temporary graphic that's the problem. There's a number of triggers you can hook into, most likely on Click Release with some modifier ctrl/alt/shift whatever.

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