1. #1

    Character sheet help

    Hi everyone

    I've been trying to tinker with a ruleset to make a character sheet for a homebrew system I run, but to be honest it's looking like a lot of work on my part to create something that's not that complicated (if you know how to do it). So I was hoping someone on here could maybe either give me some pointers (if it is easy) or if you're feeling generous build or part build it for me.

    I would like to learn but I'm not convinced on the work to gain ratio.

    I have attached a picture of what I'm aiming for if that helps.


    Thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    That's perfectly doable.

    FG's windowing structure is too complex for its own good compared to other XML based systems (android off the top of my head).

    You can get away with the CoreRPG ruleset for what you want, but it'll just be a single long list. It really depends on what kind of pertinent information you need.

  3. #3
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums dmsshadow

    I had the same interest, building a character sheet for Star Frontiers. But I too came the the conclusion about work to gain ratio. I was also looking to build it off of CoreRPG. But instead we are just using a standard CoreRPG sheet with all the fields set into groups. It works, but it not so organized. Not that I've given up, but it's low on my list and I have other priority projects to work on.

    Next time I'm to do a sheet, I would look at MoreCore Ruleset. It more capable in both of die rolls and character sheets.

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  4. #4
    Thank you for the warm welcome. The only extra thing I really need from the CoreRPG sheet is to be able to apply check boxes to some of the items. Is there an easy way to do that do you know?

  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I never got into check boxes. But you should be able to find them in another ruleset and figure them out from there. (That's what I was doing before I set it aside.) Also check out the developer guides from the wiki; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/...eveloper_Guide

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  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    A checkbox is a checkbox. What is more important is what does the checkbox mean?

    In 9/10 cases if you are considering using CoreRPG you will be better off using MoreCore.

    Download it, watch a video or two, read the two or three pages of doco and it will likely be much closer to what you need...

    But without knowing what any of those fields mean or do... I cant really offer you specific advice.

  7. #7
    I'm playing around with Core and MoreCore anyway to see where I get to. To briefly explain the system and therefore what they mean.

    Everything in the game has a challenge level with associated TN to beat. You do this by making an ability rest where you roll 1d20 plus an ability die (1d4 up to 1d12 depending on where you place them at character creation).

    Traits, possessions and relationships are effectively resources you can tag to lower the challenge level if they could be used in the situation. However, if you fail the test the trait becomes hampered and must be recovered. So essentially the check box is just to mark if a trait etc is hampered.

    I think I've sorted abilities using the code for dragging dice and dropping into core. Just felt a bit list trying to add in check boxes without breaking everything.

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Let me see how much of this I understand:

    You have a bunch of Abilities - perhaps these are Stats like STR, INT, DEX or Skills like Sword Fighting, Mechanical Repair, Library Use.
    You get to assign one of 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10 and 1d12 (and maybe more or less than one) to each of these at character creation time.
    When rolling to test STR or Library Use you roll 1d20+StatDie and compare to a variable Target Number. Equal or Over is success.

    You additionally may have training, attributes, equipment or situational modifiers that lower (or raise) the Target Number (or in effect raise your dice roll because the game system doesnt know what your TN is).

    What is the actual mechanical effect of Hampered? Does it reduce the size of your StatDice? Does it increase the Target Number? By How much? etc

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