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Thread: 4E Item Parser

  1. #441
    OK, I am so sorry, I didn't realize that the Valid Sources.txt was filtering the parser, I thought that it was filtering the reader... Now I have all my feats. I will try to find a solution...
    Last edited by fantasmamore; July 3rd, 2017 at 15:54.

  2. #442
    So, I solved the problem and I write here what worked for me in case anyone else has the same problem.

    Inside the Search Results folder (where you downloaded the parser and the reader) there is a feats3271.txt. I opened it, I found the feat that was causing the problem (Just Sacrifice) and I deleted the entire line. I then saved the .txt file, downloaded again the remaining 3270 feats through the reader and opened the parser. I choose client.xml but I don't know if that's relevant. My new feats module works great (although probably is missing this one feat)!
    I will try to do the same thing for the traps, to see if there is an error somewhere and if there is, I am going to exclude that specific trap from the list.
    Last edited by fantasmamore; July 4th, 2017 at 10:52.

  3. #443
    There should have been three lines for "Just Sacrifice" with the last one being this:
    <P class=publishedIn>Published in <A href="" target=_new>Dragon Magazine 381</A>, page(s) 93 .</P>

    That is why the parser did not like it. Not sure why your entry did not download correctly. Makes me wonder if other entries got messed up (besides the one other trap you mention.)

    Also, if you want that one feat back (and assuming it will download correctly), you could run the program to download just that one entry. Then parse again selecting the file option and include the file with 3270 entries and the one with one entry and the parser will combine them.

  4. #444
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by valeros View Post
    There should have been three lines for "Just Sacrifice" with the last one being this:
    <P class=publishedIn>Published in <A href="" target=_new>Dragon Magazine 381</A>, page(s) 93 .</P>

    That is why the parser did not like it. Not sure why your entry did not download correctly. Makes me wonder if other entries got messed up (besides the one other trap you mention.)

    Also, if you want that one feat back (and assuming it will download correctly), you could run the program to download just that one entry. Then parse again selecting the file option and include the file with 3270 entries and the one with one entry and the parser will combine them.
    The majority of nearly all parsing issues are related to bad input data. Data pulled from webpages are not guaranteed to be XML compliant HTML and most browsers are set up to display even bad data. If the web content developer forgot to close out an html tag or something, the browsers do a fairly good job of simply ignoring that. In contrast, XML parsers are strict. The expectation was that XML would not be built to allow the same sort of lazy compliance that we see on the web since it has caused considerable problems. Therefore the programmers who built the various XML parsing libraries used in most programming languages forced it to have a strict format that doesn't try to fix or ignore problems as they appear, but instead throws a hard error back to the developer calling the parser.

    That's a long way of saying that if the parsing is failing, check the data for the offending section and either remove that section or fix it. There is an XML validity checker for Notepad++ that I often use to help narrow down issue like this. If you save the file with an .xml extension and check the validity, it will at least tell you what line has the problem.

  5. #445
    I feel as if this is going to be one of the dumbest questions ever asked, however... regarding step three of method 2 of the 4eparser 2017 0407. "Select Entries in Compendium then click button below." I just spent about 3 hours trying and failing to wrap my head around every possible understanding of "select" I could come up with and have failed at every turn. I cannot find anyway to select entries to be downloaded so that I may continue on with the act of parsing them. I drag, I highlight, I right click, I look for the secret handshake keyboard keys. I am defeated. If someone could save me from my ignorance I would be most thankful.

  6. #446
    Once you've signed into DDI on the first page, click "navigate to Compendium", then the browser should load to the compendium in the browser page.
    Once that's loaded, you can search the compendium for any name, or group of entries (such as powers, or feats, or anything else). Once you've searched for them, click "Add Entries to Download" and it'll load the entries that are shown in the compendium page.
    Once you have what you need, click step 5

  7. #447
    Holy smokes. Thank you thank you thank you. I was stuck in this nightmare because I always hit "Launch Compendium" down in the bottom half like a dummy. Thanks a bunch.

  8. #448
    No worries! Glad to help where I can

  9. #449
    Might seem like a stupid question but after you it the Number 5 button what do you do?

  10. #450
    Quote Originally Posted by hullhawk View Post
    Might seem like a stupid question but after you it the Number 5 button what do you do?
    It should begin downloading what you have selected (this can take a while depending how many you have selected) and finish with creating the module. The module will be found inside the folder where the parser is located once it's done.
    You should know it's going because the lower half of the window will be changing through the compendium selections every second or so.

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