5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #21
    Well, for those who are interested, we had our first session (Session 0) today and everyone said they enjoyed it. There were a few comments dealing with the lack of automation and other similar issues around not having a dedicated Ruleset, but all-in-all I think everyone will be happier as we all get used to the game system and running it via FG - when we all get through the "learning curve".

    The first half of the session was spent in character creation and team-building, and we came up with some interesting characters to go along with everyone's character-concepts.

    The second half was spent in a basic "industrial sabotage" (or so the players think) scenario which was... interesting (and not quite completed) - the team is currently in a running gun battle through the city streets with the "saboteurs", in the process having shot at, cut up with a sword, and crash-tackled the "bad guys" while simultaneously loosing their grip on a nightstick while bashing one of them and having it fly some 4 meters through the air and strike one of their own teammates in the head, and also proving surprisingly adept at dropping (thankfully non-lethal) grenades on themselves, all the while dodging traffic (well, trying to dodge traffic) and providing medical attention to nearby "innocent bystanders".

    The team have also proved surprisingly adapt at missing almost every shot (a string of really bad die rolls) which, based on probability alone, they should have hit about three times as often as they have - but some days the Gods of Dice simply play with the universe!

    So I call things a pretty-good success and start - not perfect, and with plenty of room for improvement on my part as well as the team. I'm really looking forward to our next session and seeing the campaign plot develop over time. We've got a good group of players and a good mix of characters and skills, so it should prove a very interesting campaign.

    And there still may be a spot or two open if people are really interested: 09:00 UTC - 14:00 UTC every 2nd Sunday.

    (If any of the players would like to add to, refute or generally comment on the game please feel free to do so.)

    Last edited by dulux-oz; June 11th, 2017 at 16:52.

    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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    Support Me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/duluxoz

    Past Games, etc, on my YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/c/duluxoz

  2. #22
    Sounds like you all had a great time! Congratulations on your first session and hope you have many more!

    Any Sathar encounters yet?

    DM-Kevin - Current campaign running: D&D 5.0 Tomb of Annihilation -

  3. #23
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Sathar? What are those? *JK* Nope, just good ole fashion bad humanoids. One of each race actually; human, yazarian, dralasite, & vrusk.

    Brought back a lot of fond memories and very glad I'm playing. Was more than worth waking up at 1:45am to play

    If you are looking for a game to join, I can highly recommend it. Dulux is easy and fun to game with and the group already get along pretty well.

    Just be careful if you need medical attention, I'm not sure our doctor administers drugs in the most efficient manner!

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  4. #24
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    Session One was a fun continuation of what we began last week. Though we continued to miss just about every ranged attack; melee attacks proved to be our strength. One of the more ranged capable PC's did plan ahead and take time to setup the perfect throw of a the doze grenade into the open compartment of a convertible being driven by one of the saboteurs.

    Succumbing to the grenade, and with us beating the last remaining bad guy into unconsciousness, we were able to round them all up. Unfortunately, capturing them wasn't the end of the intrigue. As their controllers had planted some sort of hypnotic self-destruct that robbed us of the answers we sought. But, Star Law was able to run down the leads our efforts had revealed to at least uncover one; diabolical, dangerous and just plain disturbing fact - these agents, bent on capturing or destroying data on a new UPF weapons system were no less than the Sathar!

    What happens next? We don't know!

    Pan-Gal was happy with us. Therefore our employer, GTF was happy and they told us the handful of credits they gave us included a hefty bonus, but it was far from the riches one hears told of in tales in the seedy bars about the life of a mercenary. Good thing we didn't turn in the laser pistols we confiscated from the saboteurs, the value of the pistols far outshined our pay. Though we had to spend a sizable chunk of our bountiful pay just to buy replacement power clips.

    Ah well, we're a step or two ahead of where we were, and hopefully are starting to build a reputation of competence. Maybe that will lead us to the adventure and wealth we dream of.

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  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    ... but it was far from the riches one hears told of in tales in the seedy bars about the life of a mercenary.
    What, like the stories of the vast wealth that can be made selling Avon door-to-door

    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by dulux-oz View Post
    What, like the stories of the vast wealth that can be made selling Avon door-to-door
    It's not a pyramid scheme, it's "Multi-Level Marketing"!

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  7. #27
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    I didn't get around to a write up of session 2, but here's what happened in ALL our sessions since then!

    We returned to Pan-Gal's office after a bit to see what Star Law had learned from the suspects we captured. Which really wasn't much since they had all be psychologically programmed to kill themselves when questioned. Ah well, at least we know their is someone, or something powerful and nefarious behind what was going on!

    Our little visit was cut short when a civil alert went out warning everyone to stay inside as a giant space slug had just escaped the zoo! Knowing it was just next door, we of course followed the authorities suggestions and immediately headed outside. Did I ever say we were good at following directions? We did learn that the slime on space slugs was a pretty good defense against lasers. One of these days we might actually have enough moola to buy a variety of weapons, but alas not yet. Anyway, we put the slug down without the help of the zoo keepers (who probably ended up pretty pissed we had killed their prized attraction) or the ever absent Star Law. (Ever wonder why law enforcement never seems to be around when you need them?)

    Actually starting to make a name for ourselves, our handler reached out with another job opportunity. This one stank from word one though. Maybe life would be easier if we weren't smart enough to know we were the budget "solution" to follow up and investigate why an experienced team went missing? I mean really, if some team with years and years of experience went missing on some exploration trip to some barely charted planet, what the heck are we going to do?

    But I guess we ARE the chumps they made us out to be, cuz for us, the money was too good to pass up. Even at our rock bottom rates, ten weeks of pay plus half-rate for days of travel would mean we could actually start to buy some real equipment. You know, like a defensive screen or two and some rifles with enough ammo we could actually use them when needed!

    So there we are, the only passengers on an old star liner, having just jumped into the Volturnus system and guess what? Trouble, yep, surprised weren't you? Of course we are just the cargo to these crew and it's their ship. And what would we, not much more than civilians without any tin badges, need with the few measly weapons we do own? Not much, cause they were locked up in the ships weapon locker on the bridge. Anyway, we learned of the Trouble when someone started a fight in the hallway near our cabins. Fortunately, these "entrepreneurs" were less capable chumps than we are.

    Apparently we were lucky to have been boarded by a group of the sectors worst, and I mean incompetent, pirates. We beat them down, our Doc healed us back up, and we proceeded to raid the cargo bay where we found our equipment, some spare power clips (which just about quadrupled our net worth), and 2 liters of the ever important Dralasite bathing perfumes. We stopped by the abandoned computer room on our way to the bridge and the weapons locker to find out three things. One, the bridge had been taken. Two, the weapons locker had been destroyed (putting a large dent in our net worth and making most of those spare power clips we 'requisitioned' useless). And three, that the ships systems had been locked down and were now useless.

    We came at the bridge through what must have been the Captain's quarters rather than the main entrance. Despite our tactically...questionable entrance, we were fortunate we had. Had we come through the main door we probably would have been cut to pieces. Led by Jazz, our martial expert (ok, more like apprentice), we proceeded into the cramped space. Outclassed and outgunned, we actually managed to land our blows with our captured measly melee weapons more than perhaps we should have. In the end it was a close thing. Jazz probably had more pharmaceuticals in him than blood by the time it was over, and just about everyone had to undergo major surgery before we dared move on. Down, down, down dwindled our medical supplies.

    Before we could make it to the port side bridge in the off chance a crew member could be found alive, the ship started to come apart around us. Sabotage? Hard to say, maybe that would explain why the computer systems were locked down, and why one of the lifeboats was missing. Jumping in the last lifeboat, we came under fire from more pirates. So, it would seem like it wasn't the pirates who were responsible for the impending destruction of our transport as we left them to die upon the Serena Dawn.

    Our damaged lifeboat kept us alive as we came down on Volturnus, but the resulting fire and crash meant it wasn't going to be salvageable. We managed to drag out our gear and some survival kits before the inferno engulfed what was left.

    So here we are, on some forsaken and unexplored planet on the edge of known space. It will be days or weeks before anyone knows the Serena Dawn is missing. Months before any type of rescue mission might be organized. That is if we aren't the bean counter's last effort to recover the previous mission. Undoubtedly there are more pirates in the system. We've got at least one saboteur if not an entire second faction working at cross-purposes to ours. And we have to survive on some strange planet that has gods know what?

    Were the Budget Crew, and GTF might think we are expendable, but we're not going down without raising some hell! (And damned it, if any of us survive, we're going to want our back pay and a bonus!)

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  8. #28
    Nice summary - not quite how I as the GM would have put it, but a nice summary never-the-less.

    And FTR the slug (actually "space-hydra") wasn't killed, just rendered unconscious and by now would be well on the way to recovery (and with vauge images in its primitive mind about a Vrusk, a Dralasite, two Humans and a Yazirian...)
    Last edited by dulux-oz; August 7th, 2017 at 05:39.

    √(-1) 2^3 Σ Π
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    ICT Professional
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  9. #29
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Maybe we will have to go back and visit the zoo next time we are in town... as long as we go armed!

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  10. #30
    Just a notice for anybody who's interested - as of 12-Aug-2017 if you are interested in joining our little group for an absolutely smashing good time playing some great science fiction then we do have the opportunity to include one or two of you. We game 09:00-14:00 UTC (approx) every 2nd Sunday, so if you'd like to drop me a line ([email protected]) we'll see what we can do.


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    ICT Professional
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