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  1. #41
    Well guys it is that time again, a small but notable update, adversaries from Strongholds of Resistance have been compiled into the Encounter library. This leaves just Mask of the Pirate Queen to go through on the adversary side of things. After that, I plan on picking up the next couple of new releases, Nexus of Power and Special Modifications, however it might be another month or so before I do since I might wait for Savage Spirits to release so I can get that shipping charge dropped. Until then, happy gaming everyone, do enjoy, and as always you can find all the libraries here.

    EDIT: Also I forgot, both the equipment and starship libraries received some minor updates/corrections, so make sure you download all three to be up to date.
    Last edited by Miekael; March 13th, 2016 at 00:34.

  2. #42

  3. #43
    One more before the weekend guys, I have gone through the Mask of the Pirate Queen and have added numerous entries (mostly creatures) to the Encounters library. I am still up in the air as to whether or not I will be adding the generic Sorority Pirate adversaries into the library. They do make for some good additions to pirate npcs, however, since the Sorority has never been mentioned before in cannon/EU (from what I can tell at least) at the moment I feel they don't quite fit the profile for being added. I may later change my mind about this, but for now I consider the entries to be specific to the adventure alone. See two post up for the link to the libraries, as for Equipment/Starship libraries there are no new changes since the last update, so if you got them already you will only need to get the Encounters library to be up to date.

    Several new books on the horizon, I imagine in about a month I will have all the new released material and I will be working on compiling those into the libraries. Enjoy everyone, happy gaming!

  4. #44
    I came across an error during play yesterday in the encounter library (forgot the wampa skills!) this has been corrected and updated into the Encounter Library, see the top of the page for links.

  5. #45
    Awesome work Miekael, it's very much appreciated. This is a huge massive time saver for myself.


  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Xydonus View Post
    Awesome work Miekael, it's very much appreciated. This is a huge massive time saver for myself.

    Your very welcome, I know the feeling too, my PCs are way too inventive to plan out much in advance, and they lead me in circles that would require several breaks through play so I can thumb through the books/cards. Glad you guys are getting great uses out of these.

  7. #47

    Thanks for everything that you do to make this easier. I currently put all my info into OggDude's creator and keep it up to date with each book. What is the best way for me to get that info into your module? If I edit the XML, I can do it, but then I have to do it all again whenever you post an update. I can keep my own copy of the modules, but then I have to go through each entry to check and see if it is a new entry and then add them into my custom module with the descriptions, etc.

    I am willing to do the work of entering the info to protect the copywright, but I just don't want to do it over and over again.

    Is there a better way? If I export the data from my Oggdude creator, is there a way to run a parser for the descriptions?

    How do you do it? Do you just keep two separate copies of the module?

    Last edited by Lobosolo; March 22nd, 2016 at 19:24.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Lobosolo View Post

    Thanks for everything that you do to make this easier. I currently put all my info into OggDude's creator and keep it up to date with each book. What is the best way for me to get that info into your module? If I edit the XML, I can do it, but then I have to do it all again whenever you post an update. I can keep my own copy of the modules, but then I have to go through each entry to check and see if it is a new entry and then add them into my custom module with the descriptions, etc.

    I am willing to do the work of entering the info to protect the copywright, but I just don't want to do it over and over again.

    Is there a better way? If I export the data from my Oggdude creator, is there a way to run a parser for the descriptions?

    How do you do it? Do you just keep two separate copies of the module?

    I have done exactly what your are talking about myself. I have a custom talent and force ability file for Oggdude that has the info and I have converted it over to this ruleset. How I did it was just to copy and paste the description entries. The only catch is the code is slightly different, for example to bold something in Oggdude, you use [B]text[b] but in the FG modules you have to use <b>text</b>. The second hiccup is the dice symbols, in Oggdude advantage is done with [AD] but in FG it is (without spaces) & # 2 5 1 ; so that needs to be converted as well. Pretty much for this I just used the find/replace feature of my text editor to make the quick adjustments after coping over the descriptions. I use open office for editing the library modules so it makes it easy. Unfortunately it does have to be done one entry at a time for the descriptions themselves. I purposely used the same <key></key> entry on Oggdude's generator to name the talents in the Encounter library to make cross referencing easier. Here is an example of Oggdude and FG for the Adversary talent:

        <Description>Copy and replace this text only.</Description>
       <classname type="string">talent</classname>
    	<name type="string">Adversary</name>
    	<description type="formattedtext">Copy and replace this text only.</description>
    	<ranked type="string">ranked</ranked>
    	<activation type="string">Passive</activation>
    As you can see the only thing you need to copy over is the description, then convert any symbol/text code. Here is a file I use to keep track of the dice codes for FG, the only thing we don't have is a symbol for a force point (the half black and white symbol) in which case I just use a Lightside/Darkside in my library to represent this.

    When it comes to the libraries themselves, I have a personal library with the added info that my players and I use, and I keep the entries in the GM Encounter library with the page descriptions for release to you guys. When I input new entries into the GM Encounter library, I then copy/paste those into my private library and fill in the descriptions manually. Once you get a private library up to date with your entries keeping on top of newly released descriptions becomes much less of a chore since each career book only has a handful of new talents. I hope this helps, any more questions feel free to ask.

    EDIT: Just to add, when I do input new entries into the GM Encounter library I put them at the very bottom so if you open the GM Encounter library and search for <!-- Talents it will take you to the top of the list, then you can search for </entries> to get to the bottom of the list quickly.
    Last edited by Miekael; March 22nd, 2016 at 20:58.

  9. #49
    Awesome walk-through Miekael. I will give it a whirl. Much appreciated!


  10. #50
    Anyone else having trouble downloading the Player Library module? The error I get is listed below. Hopefully it is only a temporary problem. I will try again tomorrow.
    Error (429)
    This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

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