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    Trenloe's Avatar
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    FG Con IV Feedback

    Well, the fourth FG Con is nearly over...

    Any people who played in a game, and were booked into that game on the FG Con website, should be receiving feedback emails on the email address registered to their account on the FG Con website. Please take time to fill these out and give us constructive feedback.

    If you'd like to give further feedback, please do so in this thread.

    Onward to FG Con V!
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  2. #2
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    First off, I was involved in 8 games during the Con, 3 that I ran and 5 that I played in, and despite being pretty tired at this point.. I had a fantastic time. I want to thank all my players and GMs and teammates and Con Coordinators for making this Con a success.

    A few thoughts with regards to the web site... in no particular order.. just things I thought of while working on it.
    • I felt like I was doing a bit more navigation around the site than was necessary... it would be good to be able to connect a bit more directly from one thing to another.
    • How about a 'My Events' page that lists events you are GMing... similar to the My Bookings page.
    • I thought we had previously had a list on the Event pages where it showed who was signed up... maybe I'm mistaken.. but it seems like this is a good thing... lets folks sign up for games that their friends are playing in.
    • It would be nice if Comment notification defaulted to 'on' when you sign up for a game... I think many players were missing Comments that happened after they left the signed up.
    • Player/GM communication and Timing seemed to be the big issues (as usual). Obviously with a global Con these are a big deal and tricky because of language issues, timezones, DST... we need to keep streamlining this piece. I think a required TZone setting when registering would be a good idea... but some folks will still get it wrong.

    Anyway.. those are my thoughts for now. Please do NOT take them as criticisms.. these are hopes for improvements... I thought everything generally went very smoothly this time around.. and I had a great time!
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  3. #3
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Would be nice to have a player roster - see who is signed up for what game. Could influence people to register for a game if they see a friend is already there.
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  4. #4
    Mask_of_winter's Avatar
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    As I said before, this con was an exhilarating experience for me. Great players! Wish I could have joined in on a game or two but since I ran 3 games, time was limited.

    One negative thing and although it wasnt the website's fault nor mine, maybe FGCON website has a solution. Having to email several players at a time to communicate important info it seems some people didnt get emails. One of my players showed up in teamspeak and was a bit lost. Said he didnt get any emails. I think it may have been sent to his spam folder since another player said he had gotten all the emails.

    I dont know if its possible but could GM's be able to email the whole group with one click from the Con's site? Or maybe just remind players to check their spam folders? Granted Damian sent us a digest which helped, otherwise you have to look up email addresses one by one, but a third of my players signed up after the digest was sent. Doing all this for one game in previous Cons wasn't so bad. Doing this for 3 games and over 15 players was my downpoint and it seems some players slipped through the cracks of mass emailing.
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  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    @Mask_of_Winter and @Blackfoot
    Making life easier for GMs is always a priority.
    Making communication easier for all is my number one priority I think

    Certainly some of these things could be coded. The biggest challenge is that the Events Booking system is a quite complex piece of code that is regularly updated by its developers. When we make changes to it for our needs (like TimeZone) we can no longer update the base product until after FG Con concludes. We are going to try and push the Timezone info to the Developers in the hope they might include it in a future release. I know I am going to have to do something to get the player lists - because I had to manually get all the email addresses for you - hence the delay in some of you getting them - took me some time.

    @JohnD - you are looking for a participant view where they can see who is signed up and not just how many spots are signed up/free?

    So the points Im getting from this are:

    1. Make it easier for GM to get list of players email addresses
    2. As a GM (and not an Admin) what did you see when you went to the Events Admin section? Did you see all events or just yours?
    3. All logged in parties can see WHO (but not email addresses) is registered for a session
    4. Force TimeZone to be set at registration (we were working on this already but obviously hadnt found the solution yet)
    5. Auto subscribe to comments to events you book for
    6. Am looking at having the website send auto emails to players 7, 3 and 1 days before event.... would that help?

    Thanks for the feedback.

  6. #6
    if #6... can you have the GM's able to fill in a "form" of info like Alias or IP#, GM Contact Email, and perhaps a paragraph or two for the GM's to add more information on character creation or whatever, as well as the teamspeak server info so if it send a generic it includes this info?

    I also noticed it was a bit of a navigation maze to gather everyone's emails, I grouped and sent emails to all my players via Gmail, but it would be cool if the con site did this.
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  7. #7
    Blackfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnatude View Post
    if #6... can you have the GM's able to fill in a "form" of info like Alias or IP#, GM Contact Email, and perhaps a paragraph or two for the GM's to add more information on character creation or whatever, as well as the teamspeak server info so if it send a generic it includes this info?
    What are you looking to do with this information? I know that, as a GM, I don't want my server alias or contact email available on the Event page.
    If you are thinking that these could be inserted into a generic email to send to players after they are approved.. that seems like a great idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magnatude View Post
    I also noticed it was a bit of a navigation maze to gather everyone's emails, I grouped and sent emails to all my players via Gmail, but it would be cool if the con site did this.
    Gotta agree with you on this bit. I actually grabbed all my player emails as the approvals came up and dropped them into a spreadsheet... this only became complicated as add/drops happened over the course of the registration process... and then I had to get involved in the navigation maze... which is part of why I was suggesting the 'My Events' in the drop down 'Events' menu. The more we can do to make navigation more direct.. the better I think. If we can avoid having to switch to the Dashboard every time we want to see something... that would be good.
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot View Post
    If you are thinking that these could be inserted into a generic email to send to players after they are approved.. that seems like a great idea.
    Yeah, just info for the last email to be sent to the participants... yeah no way that should be public
    ULTIMATE License GM


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    #3 The previous FGCon event site DID show usernames of those accepted to the game session. I remember because I was recognizing user IDs from the forums and looking forward to playing with them.

    #6 Auto emails from the event site to players with reminders and default info is a great idea.

    I noticed that a number of my games had been fully booked but had folks NOT show up on game day. It may be nice to have an "overbooking" option to allow alternates if someone wanted to get all the startup info and GM contact and then lurk before a game to see if everyone showed up. Granted there were plenty of games to sign up for another one at the same time slot, but there may be a game that you REALLY want to play in.

    Could the "My Bookings" page order the games by start time as well as date? It seemed that it sorted by date but my start times were often out of order depending on when I signed up for each game.

    Stretch goal! Highlight the games in the "Event List" that I've signed up for? I found that I had 2 tabs open and flipped back and forth between the "Event List" of all events and "My Bookings" to see where I had time left to fit in more games.

    Other than the above suggestions, I found the site easy to use and monitor. Had a great time at the con.

  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by d1wright View Post
    #3 The previous FGCon event site DID show usernames of those accepted to the game session. I remember because I was recognizing user IDs from the forums and looking forward to playing with them.
    This was available in the same place in FG Con IV - you had to go to your console -> events -> bookings to see the players that were booked into the same events as you.

    We didn't advertise this as a few people complained that it was "clunky" to do, so we stopped mentioning it.

    We will look at some possible changes to the system for the next convention. If it is easy to do, then we'll consider doing it; if it requires a lot of messing around with the base code then it is more than likely we won't do it as it is a complete pain to migrate complex customisations from one version to the next.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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