In Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, journey to the beloved town of Phandalin, where a malevolent cult threatens to overtake the region. Together with your party, solve mysteries and stamp out growing corruption as you uncover more about the peculiar happenings plaguing the town. Discover what lurks below in this high-fantasy adventure that begins with the familiar story of Lost Mine of Phandelver and then delves into the perilous Underdark.
Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Zacchaeus
Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and the D&D fifth edition ruleset. Compatible with Fantasy Grounds Unity
Screenshots may differ from what you see in-game based on the extension and ruleset you have loaded.
Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Forgotten Realms, and D&D, are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Released on September 19, 2023
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 4.4.1 and higher.