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Pathfinder Iconic Portrait Pack
Anti-Paladin illustrated by Erik Belisleall other art illustrated by Wayne Reynolds
This package contains Portraits of 45 Pathfinder iconic characters that can be used in Fantasy Grounds.
The Pathfinder Iconic Portrait Pack includes:
- Alchemist - Damiel
- Antipaladin - Urgraz
- Arcanist - Enora
- Assassin - Emil
- Barbarian - Amiri
- Bard - Lem
- Bloodrager - Crowe
- Brawler - Kess
- Cavalier - Alain
- Cleric - Kyra
- Cleric (Evil) - Lazzero
- Druid - Lini
- Fighter - Valeros
- Gunslinger - Lirianne
- Hellknight - Linxia
- Hunter - Adowyn
- Inquisitor - Imrijka
- Investigator - Quinn
- Kineticist - Yoon
- Magus - Seltyiel
- Medium - Erasmus
- Mesmerist - Meligaster
- Monk - Sajan
- Necromancer - Nyctessa
- Ninja - Reiko
- Occultist - Mavaro
- Oracle - Alahazra
- Paladin - Seelah
- Psychic - Rivani
- Ranger - Harsk
- Rogue - Merisiel
- Samurai - Hayato
- Shaman - Shardra
- Skald - Hakon
- Slayer - Zadim
- Sorcerer - Seoni
- Spiritualist - Estra
- Summoner - Balazar
- Swashbuckler - Jirelle
- Torturer - Zelhara
- Vigilante - Aric
- Vigilante - The Red Raven
- Warpriest - Oloch
- Witch - Feiya
- Wizard - Ezren
Requires: This content requires an active license or subscription for Fantasy Grounds to download and use.
Pathfinder, their respective logos, the Paizo golem, all Paizo titles, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and Paizo�s character names and distinctive likenesses are property and copyright of Paizo, Inc. in the USA and other countries. Used with permission. (C) 2017
Released on September 26, 2017
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.