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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1-4 (subtiers 1-2 and 3-4).
The Pathfinders travel to Iobaria, where elven druids and centaur warriors are united against an unlikely threat: a self-propogating horde of corrupted leshys! The source of the Abyssal corruption may be tied to a previous trip to Iobaria by the Pathfinder Society, so it falls to the PCs to seek out the source of the leshy incursion and restore balance to the woodlands.
Written by: Mikhail Rekun
Scenario tags : Faction (Verdant Wheel)
This product is not a PDF or accessible outside of Fantasy Grounds. It has been lovingly converted for use within Fantasy Grounds and features the following additions:
Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Michael Davey
Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and the included Pathfinder 2.0 ruleset. Compatible with Fantasy Grounds Unity
This product (C) 2022, Paizo Inc. All Rights Reserved. Paizo, Paizo Inc., the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, the Pathfinder logo, Pathfinder Society, Starfinder, and the Starfinder logo are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; Pathfinder Accessories, Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventures, Pathfinder Battles, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Pathfinder Cards, Pathfinder Combat Pad, Pathfinder Flip-Mat, Pathfinder Legends, Pathfinder Map Pack, Pathfinder Module, Pathfinder Pawns, Pathfinder Player Companion, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Tales, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Combat Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Pawns, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
Released on June 02, 2020
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.