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By Stephen Radney-MacFarland
A Place in the Suns
The heroes journey deeper into the Vast to find the Gate of Twelve Suns, an alien megastructure consisting of a dozen stars arranged in a perfect circle. However, members of the Cult of the Devourer precede them, and the heroes must contend with the cultists for control of the alien technology found on the single planet orbiting each sun. Only by defeating these foul marauders can the heroes keep the superweapon hidden here out of the wrong hands�though the destructive zealots are far from the only threats found in the system.
This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path continues the Dead Suns Adventure Path and includes:
This product is not a PDF or accessible outside of Fantasy Grounds. It has been lovingly converted for use within Fantasy Grounds and features the following additions:
Requires: This content requires an active license or subscription for Fantasy Grounds to download and use and the Starfinder Ruleset.
Pathfinder, their respective logos, the Paizo golem, all Paizo titles, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, and Paizo�s character names and distinctive likenesses are property and copyright of Paizo, Inc. in the USA and other countries. Used with permission. (C) 2018
Released on April 25, 2018
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.