hoy matey! Heave on that main-line and brace yourself for a furious romp in the age of sail using Pinnacle's Savage Worlds! Sign up as crew on board the Gray Coarser, an English privateer vessel, and give the French and Spanish ships hell while lining your pockets with gold. Intense cannon battles, sword fights high in the rigging, chests of treasure; the privateer's life has it all! Hoist the anchor and see what adventure awaits you on the open ocean.
The conversion of this 25-page adventure includes ship maps and Figure tokens, and is perfect for a one or two night session. Written by Zeke Sparkes with ship maps by Niklas Brandt!
This product is an installable module for use with the Fantasy Ground II virtual tabletop. The adventure module has been carefully organized to streamline gameplay and includes, story elements, personalities, items, vehicles and images. These can be modified within your Fantasy Grounds campaign as needed.
Requires: A Fantasy Grounds full or ultimate license and the Savage Worlds v3 Ruleset
Fantasy Grounds Conversion: Clemens G. Meyer
(c) 2017 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Smiling Jack, Savage Worlds, and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All Rights Reserved.
The Savage Worlds Ruleset (Fantasy Grounds Conversion) by SmiteWorks USA, LLC, (C) 2017, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Savage Worlds Ruleset format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC and Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Redistribution by print or by file is strictly prohibited.
Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks USA, LLC (C) 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Released on March 19, 2010
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.