Weird Wars II: Island of Dreams

Weird Wars II: Island of Dreams

Weird Wars II: Island of Dreams

It would be an idyllic tropical island if it weren't smack in the middle of the World War II Pacific Theater. It might even still be nice if you weren't trying to take it from the Japanese.

If the horrors of war were not enough, it seems the tranquil paradise may have been housing a horror of its own, one happy to have you and the Japanese as guests. How long can you survive the hospitality?

Island of Dreams is a journey into tropical madness from Darryl Nichols for Savage Worlds' Weird War Two. , including Figure Flats from Jordan Peacock for all the personnel - and other things - present in the scenario.

This Fantasy Grounds product includes:

  • 29 Personalities
  • 25 Story pages
  • 16 maps and works of art
  • A 7 page reference manual with sidebars and embedded images
  • A token pack including 52 tokens

Fantasy Grounds Conversion: Scott Geeding

Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and a one time purchase of the Savage Worlds ruleset.

The Savage Worlds Ruleset (Fantasy Grounds Conversion) by SmiteWorks USA, LLC, © 2017, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Savage Worlds Ruleset format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC and Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Redistribution by print or by file is strictly prohibited.

Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks USA LLC. © 2017 SmiteWorks USA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Released on August 23, 2017

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.

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