Midgard Heroes Handbook

Midgard Heroes Handbook
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Kobold Press Midgard Bundle

Midgard Heroes Handbook

The Flame of Heroes Brings Light to a Dark World!

Welcome to a world of dark roads and deep magic, where you can match wits with Baba Yaga, set sail for uncharted islands with minotaur corsairs, and face the fury of the giants in the icy north!

The Midgard Heroes Handbook for 5th Edition has everything you need to create a character for a 5th edition Midgard campaign, including full details on 11 new races and 4 variants on standard races. Roll up a trollkin barbarian, a ravenfolk fighter, a kobold rogue, and more.

You also get:

  • more than 48 new class options, including new bard colleges and paladin oaths
  • martial, ranger, and rogue archetypes--and new weapons and gear
  • a new druid circle and a dozen new cleric domains including Beer, Justice, and Moon domains
  • sorcerous bloodlines, new warlock pacts, and strange arcane traditions
  • 20 backgrounds from the Southlands to the distant North,
  • And nearly 300 new spells from the fan-favorite Deep Magic series, including shadow magic, clockwork magic, battle magic, rune magic and more!

The shadow roads are open, and the World Serpent stirs in its sleep. Adventure awaits the bold!

Converted by:  Chris Jernigan

Requires:An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and the included 5E Compatible ruleset.

Copyright (C) 2019 Kobold Press. Kobold Press, and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Kobold Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission. (C) 2019. 

This product is Copyright 2019, SmiteWorks USA, LLC. Used under license from Kobold Press. This product's format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC.

Released on April 30, 2019

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.

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