Midgard Sagas for 5th Edition

Midgard Sagas for 5th Edition
Line of Sight Integrated
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Kobold Press Midgard Bundle

Midgard Sagas for 5th Edition

Mystery & Death Stalk Midgard!

Midgard Sagas  presents six 5th Edition adventures for characters from levels 3 to 8. Complete with full color maps, gorgeous art, NPC/creature stat blocks, and tokens.

All six adventures were originally designed to be playable in a convention time slot of four to six hours, so they're packed with fast action. 

MURDER ON THE CROSSROADS (LEVEL 3) An unnatural blizzard has characters trapped inside a famous general's mansion, and a murderer is loose among them!

MADMAN AT THE BRIDGE (LEVEL 4) Saboteurs have attacked the Puffing Bridge, bringing Zobeck to a halt. Characters must fight their way past the clockwork guards and defuse the situation--literally!

THE MHALMET HEIST (LEVEL 5) Characters are hired to pull off a heist at one of the poshest--and most heavily guarded--nightclubs in Mhalmet. This shadow job will take extensive planning, timing, stealth, and nerves of steel.

RAIDERS OF THE CHAMBER OF TOMORROWS (LEVEL 6) A time-warping artifact was recovered from the scene of a crime. To find out who wants it and why, characters must locate the ruined elven city of Thorn and brave the dangers of the legendary Chamber of Tomorrows.

TO WAKE WAR (LEVEL 7) Dust goblin tribes are gearing for war in the Wasted West. It's up to the characters to infiltrate the dust goblins' remote territory, discover their secret, and put a halt to their plan before it dooms the entire region.

BLOOD OF A FALLEN STAR (LEVEL 8) Infection from space is ravaging the Northlands! Dwarven raiders with rotted brains attack their neighbors, their friends, even their own families. Finding the source of the infection is easy; destroying it won't be!

Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Linda Buth

Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and any ruleset. Compatible with Fantasy Grounds Unity.

Screenshots may differ from what you see in-game based on the extension and ruleset you have loaded.

Copyright (C) 2022 Kobold Press. Kobold Press, and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Kobold Press. Used with permission. (C) 2022. All Rights Reserved.

This product is Copyright 2021, SmiteWorks USA, LLC. Used under license from Kobold Press. This product's format, programming code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC.

Released on February 15, 2022

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 4.1.8 and higher.

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