Creatures & Treasures III

Creatures & Treasures III

Creatures & Treasures III

In the tradition of the immensely popular C&T and C&T II is an invaluable supplement offering information and stats for three key elements of fantasy role playing: creatures, treasures, and encounters. Although designed for use with the Rolemaster system, it is easily adaptable to most other major role playing systems.

This bestiary presents a host of new animals and monsters, including: Stone Dragons, Vampire Lords, Undead Elementals, gigantic Skeleton Constructs, etc. Also detailed inside are a myriad of magic items, including: new magical weapons, potions, runestones, and artifacts such as the dreaded Hourglass of the Slayer (an item which can be a threat to whole cities). Each creature and treasure description includes extensive background information to provide ideas for adventures and to enhance fitting the beast or item into a campaign.

Creatures & Treasures III includes:

  • Game stats, descriptions and illustrations for dozens of new fantasy animals, monsters, constructs and Undead.
  • Descriptions for a plethora of new herbs, magical items, and artifacts.
  • Comprehensive random treasure and encounter generator tables, including the items and creatures from all three C&T books, the Elemental Companion, and the Rolemaster Companions through RMC VII.

This product requires the following products:

  • Rolemaster Companion I
  • Creatures & Treasures II
  • Oriental Companion
  • Oriental Companion - Players

Publisher's Note: This product was created from image scans and so its quality is imperfect.

Adapted for Fantasy Grounds by: Jamie MacDonald

Requires: An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Unity license and the Rolemaster Classic ruleset. Compatible with Fantasy Grounds Unity

Screenshots may differ from what you see in-game based on the extension and ruleset you have loaded.

Owned by Iron Crown Enterprises. copyright (C) 2025. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.

Released on December 19, 2023

Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.

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