P1-Realm of the Troll King
4E Fantasy Token Pack
This product is an installable module containing tokens for use with the Fantasy
Ground II virtual tabletop. Upon activating the module, the tokens will appear in
your Token box for use throughout your game. They have been organized by genre and
product name to make it easy to use multiple token pack modules within your game.
Tokens are scaled and organized in the following sizes for medium creatures: 32x32,
50x50, 75x75 and 100x100 pixels. This allows you to use the token quality that best
meets your needs.
This pack contains tokens for the following characters:
- banshrae dartswarmer (medium)
- banshrae warrior (medium)
- bear dire (large)
- blightborn demonthorn (large)
- blightborn thorn blight (medium)
- blightborn troglodyte (medium)
- chuul (large)
- coll edwina (medium)
- crocodile feymire (huge)
- cyclops guard (large)
- cyclops impaler (large)
- demonic knight (medium)
- destrachan (large)
- displacer beast packlord (huge)
- dragon black young (large)
- dragonborn bax (medium)
- dragonborn gladiator (medium)
- dragonborn raider (medium)
- dragonborn soldier (medium)
- dragonspawn redspawn firebelcher (large)
- drow male (medium)
- ettin marauder (large)
- flameskull blackfire (tiny)
- fomorian dark initiate (huge)
- galeb duhr earthbreaker (medium)
- grell philosopher (medium)
- grimlock ambusher (medium)
- grimlock minion (medium)
- hag bog (medium)
- hag briar (medium)
- hook horror (large)
- kuo toa marauder (medium)
- lamia (medium)
- manticore (large)
- medusa archer female (medium)
- nothic gazer (medium)
- nothic stalker (medium)
- npc covis elassyn (medium)
- npc iloya harvle (medium)
- npc serten adder arasp (medium)
- ogre warhulk (large)
- oni mage (large)
- other beggarsflow gang leader (medium)
- quickling runner (small)
- roper (large)
- shambling mound (large)
- shambling mound stormrage shambler (large)
- skeleton troll boneshard (large)
- snake crushgrip constrictor (large)
- troglodyte battle champion (medium)
- troglodyte curse chanter (medium)
- troglodyte impaler (medium)
- troglodyte mauler (medium)
- troll ancient king (large)
- troll ghost devourer (large)
- troll ghost render (large)
- troll ice (large)
- troll king (large)
- troll (large)
- troll vinespeaker (large)
- troll worgmaster (large)
- trollking symbol (medium)
- will o wisp (small)
- worg (large)
Fantasy Grounds II Conversion: Doug Davison
This Fiery Dragon Productions product was converted for use with the Fantasy Grounds
II virtual tabletop application from SmiteWorks USA, LLC. For more information on
products from Fiery Dragon Productions, visit their website at www.fierydragon.com.
This product is Copyright 2010, Fiery Dragon Productions and SmiteWorks USA, LLC.
Used with permission from Fiery Dragon Productions. This product's format, programming
code, and presentation is copyrighted by SmiteWorks USA, LLC. Redistribution by
print or by file is strictly prohibited.
Ruleset Compatibility: Any
Released on January 29, 2010
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.