The Saatman emerald is an artifact, a relic of a long lost civilization that has been safely hidden in the Iroth family vault for years. But now, it, along with thousands of other precious gems have been stolen! A secretive group of duergar, long since driven insane from a curse, have broken into the family home and stolen away with the emerald, which must be recovered before it is lost in the miles of tunnels that lead ever deeper into the world.
But getting the relic back is the easy part! The players will soon find themselves running for their lives, and lost in an underground catacomb as the duergar are more than happy to collapse the tunnels behind themselves. Are the players lost forever, or perhaps, are there other treasures to recover on the long road back to the world above?
Also included in �It all Falls Down�:
Requires: A Fantasy Grounds full or ultimate license or an active subscription and the included 5E Ruleset.
Some content Copyright �2016 AAW GAMES, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks USA LLC. � 2016 SmiteWorks USA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Released on December 29, 2016
Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.2.1 and higher.