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This guide contains an overview of the Fantasy Grounds ruleset creation system. The document is divided into sections, of which you will find a list in the menu on the left.

A full license is required to customize rulesets.

Tools needed

To create rulesets, you only need a text editor for editing the files in the ruleset folder. However, it might be useful to take advantage of a dedicated XML editor, in order to minimize errors in XML syntax, or a syntax hilighting Lua script editor, for a better script file modification experience.

Useful commands

Throughout the development and testing of a ruleset, you may find the following slash commands useful.

  • "/reload ruleset": This command reloads the ruleset after modifications can be made. This feature is officially still in testing, but is a convenience when working on rulesets with no clients connected.
  • "/console": This command opens the console window, which you can use for displaying debug information throught the use of the print script function.
  • "/openwindow [windowclass] [datasource (optional)]": Allows the opening of windows without a user interface component.

The ruleset reference documentation

The ruleset reference documentation contains information about all the XML and script entities available for use in defining rulesets.

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