Packages are globally accessible collections of utility functions grouped by function.
Objects are script objects used internally by scripting interfaces or objects that are used and
created in a temporary fashion or connected to an element.
Elements are script objects that are created based on the ruleset XML definition.
Components are configuration directives that are created based on the ruleset XML definition, not directly accessible through scripting.
Ruleset Application Compatibility
The ruleset compatibility version is specified by setting the version attribute of the root tag in the base.xml file.
Ruleset Comp. Ver. |
Changes |
3.0 |
- For frame resources, the "right" section will correctly use the top Y offset specified in the right tag, instead of the left tag.
- Drag objects dropped on the chat window will be passed to onDeliverMessage event before default processing occurs. Previously, they were handled without calling this event.
- When windows or links are shared (to everyone, not specific user); the underlying database node will be marked as public. Previously, they were shared with each user online, and had to be shared again if new users joined.
- User.getPortraitFileList will only return the the portrait files in the campaign portraits directory by default, unless a relative path is specified. Use the User.getPortraitDirectoryList function to get any other directories or portrait packs in the campaign portraits folder. Previously, getPortraitFileList returns all portrait files and portrait module images in a single master list.
- Stringcontrol, stringfield and chatentry controls will center text vertically within defined control dimensions.
- When performing mouse actions within FG, the current display Z-order will be used to determine which control/window is being acted upon, instead of the original Z-order when initialized.
- The automatic minimum size of 100x100 for panel windows has been removed.
- The Module.export function expects a different set of parameters.
3.0* |
- User-created token bags no longer supported. Token bag will always reflect directory structure of tokens folders.
- The Token.onTargetUpdate and tokeninstance.onTargetUpdate events return a different set of parameters.
- The tokeninstance.onTargetUpdate event is triggered when source token targeting changes, not when the token is targeted. See the onTargetedUpdate event instead.
- The setTarget function expects a different set of parameters.
- The onHover and onHoverChanged events will update whenever the control or window is entered or traversed, regardless of whether child controls are traversed.
2.9 |
- Resizable window arrows are available. Use the framedef.insideoffset tag to define margins for when to show the resize arrows for that frame type.
- The subwindow.onSizeChanged event is only called when the control size actually changes.
- Windowlist controls generated from modules with a module data version of 2.0 will no longer automatically show children across all modules, unless the 'useallmodules' tag is specified.
2.8 |
- Console warning generated when template missing.
- characterdbroot supported.
- When local characters are imported, any character references will be remapped to new ID.
- onTokenAdded will be called on imagecontrol initialization for each existing token.
- The onDragStart event will be called instead of onDrag for initial drag events in windowcontrols.
- The onListRearranged event will be called less often in windowlistcontrols.
- setValue, setPrototype and populateFromImageNode will no longer bypass database node ownership checks.
2.7 |
- LUA object functions will be correctly removed from the namespace.
- Colon is no longer appended to sender field when onReceiveMessage called.
- Deleting a node will no longer trigger an onChildUpdate and onListRearranged events for every child of the original node.
- Widgets are correctly destroyed when using the destroy function.
- Windowlistcontrols will immediately re-layout when a new window is added.
2.4 |
- Players can no longer create database nodes within database trees they do not own.
- Error will be generated if the datasource specified for a new window is not valid, instead of creating dummy node.
2.2 |
- Windowlist controls will only list children relative to specified data node. Add 'useallmodules' tag to show children across all modules with same path.
* = These changes can not be controlled via the ruleset backward compatibility flag, and these functions may not work in rulesets developed for earlier versions of FG.