Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Stabilization roll, dead et al

    All this is about the stabilization rolls with the PFRPG ruleset.

    There seems to be at least three options that have an effect on this. Let us assume the option "Combat: Auto stabilization rolls" is set to All.

    Not so bad: If the option to skip hidden NPCs is on and an NPC has negative hp but is hidden, no stab roll is rolled. I think skipping it but still rolling for stab would be better.

    Bad: If the option skip dead NPCs is on and the NPC has negative hp, no stab roll is rolled. Here I think that the option is confusingly misnamed (negative hp is not dead until <= -con). It should be renamed to skip unconscious, and while the NPC is skipped, the stab roll should still be rolled.

    Worse: I think that with the skip dead NPC on, an NPC is skipped even if at 0HP. This is just wrong since the NPC is disabled but not even unconscious (so can move/act).

    If testing this, remove the NPC from the combat tracker when changing options as they don't always affect NPCs already in the combat tracker.

    In some cases it may be good to have the NPC die as they reach -1, but in case that should be an independent option.

    Finally, is there any "dead" status/effect (and if not, could one be implemented, just an automatically applied label)? When some creature dies, DEAD is correctly output in the chat, but in case of sessions with a break in between, lots of actors, etc it may be hard to remember who died, especially for NPCs (one could always check wounds against CON but that's annoying to do). In most cases one can simply remove dead actors, but if resurrection is available to NPCs it starts mattering. Also, it is pretty easy to miss it in the chat thing while playing.

    While we are at this:
    - it would also be nice if the unconscious and prone effects were to be automatically applied whenever a creature goes to negative hp (both effects already exist).
    - it would be nice if a "disabled" status were to be applied automatically whenever a creature gets to 0 hp. The disabled status does not exist, and would be hard/impossible to code, I would be happy with just a label as a reminder.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Let me bump this.

    Is the behaviour I described the intended one or a bug? It feels like some of it could be bugs: particularly skipping NPCs at 0HP and the fact that having skip dead/skip hidden options on prevents NPC stabilization rolls to happen even if the "Combat: Auto stabilization rolls" option is set to All.

  4. #4
    To be honest, it's not something that I have time to look into at the moment; and is basically an interaction of two different features meant for two different purposes originally.
    At this point, I have it on my list to look at when I get some time; but you'll probably need to disable Skip Hidden/Dead NPCs if you want to have the stabilization rolls for now.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    To be honest, it's not something that I have time to look into at the moment; and is basically an interaction of two different features meant for two different purposes originally.
    At this point, I have it on my list to look at when I get some time; but you'll probably need to disable Skip Hidden/Dead NPCs if you want to have the stabilization rolls for now.

    All right, thanks for the reply here and in the RotRL images post.

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