5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Egheal View Post
    Concerning the true full screen: it is also not available on windows. But if you change the target into the program properties with something like that (depending on your screen size) "C:\Program Files\SmiteWorks\Fantasy Grounds\FantasyGrounds.exe" -popupwindow -screen-width 5120 -screen-height 1440 you will get a full screen FGU.
    I don't know where to find the same thing on a mac though.
    Attachment 60279
    Sadly "-popupwindow" does not work on mac... but they can try "-screen-fullscreen".

    For a full list of options you can check: this link.

  2. #52
    Thanks for the explanations about the d0 and d1.

    I quickly tried launching from command line with the screen option but looks like it is ignored.

    I imagine you need to launch the executable which is inside the FG app, like
    [path to the app]/FantasyGrounds.app/Contents/MacOS/Fantasy\ Grounds -screen-fullscreen

    I have also tried -screen-width and -screen-height with what should be supported resolutions, but these also seem to do nothing. Is there a special way to pass parameters to the unity engine?

    On launch I get a bunch of memory settings printed on terminal on launch, here are the first two lines
    [UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config
    but nothing which has to do with graphics.

    Has anyone managed to make it work on a mac?

  3. #53
    I played tonight and tried to use the new mini combat tracker. I really liked the flow and it saves space which is at a premium to begin with. I did find a couple of things I wanted to comment on. It looks like it shows the effects that are on your character, but there's just an icon, and no way to either click on the icons or hover over them to see what they actually are. And there's no way from the mini ct to determine who you have targeted. I know I could look at the map, but I still found myself just popping open the actual ct to double check what I had targeted. I was not able to stretch it out further to the right when I unlocked it which would be nice when you just want to see more. Is the mini ct going to be fleshed out more? I really like it, and think with some small additions it would be an even better boon to the players.

  4. #54
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by indavis View Post
    I was not able to stretch it out further to the right when I unlocked it which would be nice when you just want to see more.
    Check Options, you can set the width to a number of entries. I forget the values, but like 6, 8, 10, etc

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  5. #55
    Awesome.. I really like the mini ct!

  6. #56
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snupy View Post

    - true full screen (not available on a mac) would be very nice (and I think the os supports it well which should make it not a pain to add), but I wouldn't say is a priority.
    So, by some strange quirk that is due to (I assume) me having had the FGU beta as a kickstarter supporter, my FG still has full-screen capability. At early beta it had that functionality, but SW removed it for some specific reasons that I won't go into right now, but somehow, my Mac never got the memo. It stayed in fullscreen and I can freely go in an out of full screen. And, like all fullscreen apps, FGU takes its own space in Mission Control.

    In actuality, it was my old MacBook that had the beta. But when I upgraded to my current Mac mini, I migrated my stuff, so it kept those settings. :P

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Vass_Dts View Post
    So, by some strange quirk that is due to (I assume) me having had the FGU beta as a kickstarter supporter, my FG still has full-screen capability. At early beta it had that functionality, but SW removed it for some specific reasons that I won't go into right now, but somehow, my Mac never got the memo. It stayed in fullscreen and I can freely go in an out of full screen. And, like all fullscreen apps, FGU takes its own space in Mission Control.

    In actuality, it was my old MacBook that had the beta. But when I upgraded to my current Mac mini, I migrated my stuff, so it kept those settings. :P
    Oh nice I am envious! Any chance you can share the config/preference file in case it is some hidden setting? I see two possibly relevant files in ~/Library/Preferences/

    ~/Library/Preferences/Fantasy Grounds583052619Wine.wineskin.prefs.plist
    ~/Library/Preferences/unity.SmiteWorks.Fantasy Grounds.plist

    I see also a fantasygrounds.conf file, but that has your license number, so do not share that.

    If you want to check the file content before deciding wether or not to share them you can open them with text edit (or any editor, vim, bbedit, etc).

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