Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #71
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by it290 View Post
    Hi, new here, so perhaps the questions are already answered - however I read through forums and wiki and still have slight doubts:

    1/ 5E - If I buy a written module, for example Shattered Obelisk (note: I am not going to change it, just DM it as written):
    1.1/ Does it come with pregenerated player characters, or players need to make their characters?
    1.1.1/ Are there any modules with PCs ready to play?
    1.2/ Do I need to buy 5E PHB in order to have players created the player characters they desire, or would be built rules/srd enough for it OR built rules/srd have limitations and only very limited types of player characters can be made with it?
    1.3/ I do understand that I do not need to buy DMG if I do not want to change anything in written module/adventure (for example I do not want to change magic items etc.), right?
    1.4/ Same question for MM - if I do not need to change any monsters I do not need to buy MM as all monsters used in module have their statistics, right?
    1.4.1/ However, if I understand correctly, I may need MM for monsters' visualization like tokens, because there will be only 'letter' tokens available, right?
    1.4.2/ Alternatively, I can create my own tokens if I do not want to buy MM at the moment, right?

    2/ Classic/2E - here situation is less convenient as there is no srd. So, in case I would buy let's say Accursed Tower I need to buy:
    2.1/ PHB - for rules, character creation, spells etc.? Otherwise I will not be able to play it all?
    2.2/ DMG - if I do not want to change magic items (etc.) in a written module, I guess I do not need it?
    2.3/ MM - I guess same as in my above question for 5E - i.e. I owuld need it only for visualization or in case I want to change monsters?

    I will be very obliged for detailed answers and thank you in advance.
    Welcome to the forums. Pretty much all of this is covered in the first post of this thread.

    1) About the only module that comes with pre-generated characters is the original Lost Mine of Phandelver but The Shattered Obelisk does not.
    2) As above
    3) Buying any core rulebook is optional provided you have the time to enter all of the data yourself. If you want your players to have all of the choices available from the PHB then you'll need to buy it or enter the data yourself. The SRD is very limited in what you can create character wise (only one archetype, 1 feat, 1 background).
    4) If you are playing a published adventure you don't need the DMG or MM since everything is included in the module. If you want to edit a monster or magic item you can do that without the DMG or MM. If you want to include a Monster or Magic Item which isn't in the module you can create yourself without having to buy either book. The purchase of these books adds convenience and time saving. If you have the time you can add it all yourself.
    5) The SRD has been updated with better tokens recently and I believe that evry NPC now has a non-letter token. The SRD does not have any of the Monster Artwork - that's only availabe by purchasing the MM.
    6) Yes you can create your own tokens and add artwork that you can find elsewhere and use in your own games only.

    I'm not as familiar with 2e but as you say there's no SRD. But, again, you can buy the books for the convenience and time saving - or you can enter the data in yourself.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  2. #72
    Thank Zacchaeus for your prompt answers. Just to more questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    1) About the only module that comes with pre-generated characters is the original Lost Mine of Phandelver but The Shattered Obelisk does not.
    If I buy Lost Mine of Phandelver (LMoP) may I use its pregenerated characters in any other 5E module that I also would purchase - both in terms of continuing a campaign that started with LMoP OR starting a new campaign with any other module using those pregenerated characters from LMoP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    3) Buying any core rulebook is optional provided you have the time to enter all of the data yourself. If you want your players to have all of the choices available from the PHB then you'll need to buy it or enter the data yourself.
    Can you please point me to the instruction / article on wiki how can you enter such data? Do I need to prepare new xml's (or expand existing SRD ones) OR perhaps I input data via FG interface?

    All the best,

  3. #73
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Yes, you can use pregenerated characters in any campaign you like. You don't even need to play through LMoP to use them Just add them to any campaign.

    There's no specific instructions on how to enter data really. You add stuff inside of a campaign. So create one; start it up and then just start entering stuff. You'll find some videos here (see Twenty-Six, and Thirty-Nine - Forty-Two in particular). The 5e wiki is here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...D+D+5E+Ruleset The articles on NPCs and Items should get you started. Other rulesets follow pretty much the same pattern as far as entering data is concerned.

    One point to note is that you can't export something that is in a module; so if you did want to edit things from the SRD then make a copy of whatever it is and edit the copy. You'll then be able to export the copy to a module with your edits. (If you aren't going to buy any of the core books and enter your own stuff I would strongly recommend you create modules).
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  4. #74
    Thank you for all the answers!

  5. #75
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Both Rob2E and myself have made various packs of pre-generated characters for 5E on FG. But it was years ago so honestly I don't know if they would have issues (they shouldn't, but I haven't tested them in years). They also won't have all the new sub-classes and options from books released since then. Looking them up, there are also a bunch of others. Links:

    2nd Level Pregens for Fantasy Grounds - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (
    Fantasy Grounds Pregenerated Characters - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (
    Dungeon Masters Guild - Virtual Tabletop - (

    Problems? See; How to Report Issues, Bugs & Problems
    On Licensing & Distributing Community Content
    Community Contributions: Gemstones, 5E Quick Ref Decal, Adventure Module Creation, Dungeon Trinkets, Balance Disturbed, Dungeon Room Descriptions
    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    Both Rob2E and myself have made various packs of pre-generated characters for 5E on FG.
    Thank you for the links. There is so much stuff at DMGuild :-)

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