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Thread: XML basics

  1. #1

    XML basics


    Id really like to build a ruleset for Beyond the Wall.

    I have absolutely no background in coding. I tried this a few years ago and it didn't go so well. But id really like to learn how to do this.

    I am watching this video by Damned, , but I get lost immediately. Well, at exactly minuet 2, where he created a new file but it is in XML. Which I really don't know what that is.

    Id like to watch the rest of the series of videos, but kind of need to be able to open up the same format that the video is showing. Is there software I need to download? Most of these videos expect some familiarity with coding, which I do not have. Without taking a curse on the subject, what's the best way to dip my toes in it?

    I'd really just like to get to the same screen that he's on in the video and mimic everything he's doing. Then go back and read about XML and all the theory behind it. This is the only way I can usually learn. I got to have lab first, theory second. Doesn't matter if I have no idea what I'm doing in the lab, the theory will make no sense to me without the "hands on" experience first.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Rulesets are written in lua and xml - so there's two coding types you'd need to learn. The developer guidelines are here https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...eveloper+Guide
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    I would not be writing an extension for MoreCore today.
    I think you can
    a) do a lot of Beyond the Wall with XCore and no coding.
    b) do more with XCore and writing an additional roll or two and making a theme (you can get free examples of both in the Forge)
    c) learn to code it from scratch layered on CoreRPG
    d) get a head start on it by using the Ruleset Wizard and the OGL ruleset that is available to use as your ruleset base.

    a) requires no coding
    b) minimal coding
    c) and d) require coding

  5. #5
    Ill definitely look into Xcore.

    Honestly, All I really need is to create a custom character sheet, classes and ancestries. As simple as the game is I really don't need a lot of automation. Is there a way I can do that without coding?

  6. #6
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tatertron View Post
    Ill definitely look into Xcore.

    Honestly, All I really need is to create a custom character sheet, classes and ancestries. As simple as the game is I really don't need a lot of automation. Is there a way I can do that without coding?
    Depends what you mean by custom character sheet. If you just want a sheet with a bunch of attributes and fields in no particular layout. You can do that in CoreRPG and certainly in XCore. See examples: and

    If you want custom colors, graphics, and arrangement, then you are going to have to write an extension.

    Depends what you want custom classes and ancestries to do. If they are just text and not automation that changes attributes etc, then CoreRPG and XCore will do those for you. If you want automation where they change attributes or are related to other data, then you need an extension.

    I would suggest you read up on XCore, and try to do everything you need in it as is. Then if it's not enough start considering an extension.

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  7. #7
    So I'm making a lot of progress on XCore. One thing I'm a bit lost on is how to create Spells. Didnt see a way to add that in them in the instructions

  8. #8
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tatertron View Post
    So I'm making a lot of progress on XCore. One thing I'm a bit lost on is how to create Spells. Didnt see a way to add that in them in the instructions
    I would ask in the XCore thread. You will probably get better visibility there. I myself have yet to do anything with XCore so can't tell you much of anything though I would suspect it would just be an object type like a Story. But not sure.

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  9. #9
    damned's Avatar
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    Just make them as you do all the other things.
    Casting spells causes dice to roll - build up a list of Spell/Rolls and rename one of your sections as Spells

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