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Thread: PFRPG Spellbook

  1. #271
    Version 8.4 has been uploaded

    This version has a couple of minor spell changes.

    The new version is linked to the first post and has been updated on the Forge

    These spell change have been made to both versions of the spellbook
    • Blessing of Fervor - Remove 1 round duration from most of the effects. Although the effect can be changed each round most people will keep the same effect for multiple rounds or even the duration of the whole spell.
    • Greater Bladed Dash - Add circumstance type to attack
    • Ice Body - Added immunities. Fixed damage calculation. -- thanks Svandal
    • Overwhelming Presence - Add Wisdom damage effect

    This spell change is only for PFRPG - Spellbook
    • Ray of Enfeeblement - Add Strength damage effect

    These spell changes are only for PFRPG - Spellbook Extended
    • Bane - Combined the attack and will save effects.
    • Death Ward - Added IFTAG for death saves - Death Ward;IFTAG:death;SAVE:4, morale

  2. #272
    For the Elemental Body spells, you may wish to add 'IMMUNE: critical' to EB3 and 4, and 'DR: 5' to EB4.

  3. #273
    Version 8.5 has been uploaded

    The new version is linked to the first post and has been updated on the Forge

    These spell change have been made to both versions of the spellbook

    • Elemental Body IV - Add DR:5. Add immune to critical and precision damage -- Thank you ScribblingRambler
    • Fungal Infestation - Add MULTI and 'bleed': to ongoing damage. Remove damage effect
    • Ice Body - Fix small damage to 1d4
    • Overwhelming Presence - Add Prone and Helpless to the effects.
    • Reincarnate - Fix incarnation table.
    • Reincarnate Spy - Add link to reincarnate
    • Veil - Change text to differentiate between concentration duration and regular duration

    Additionally, in multiple spells, in the casting time field - replace all occurrences of '1 standard actiond' with '1 standard action'

    These spell changes are only for PFRPG - Spellbook Extended

    • Black Sword of War- Limit bleed damage to maximum of 5
    • Cloudkill - Added effect for CON damage.
    • Heroes Feast - Add bonus for save vs fear and poison
    Last edited by dllewell; February 24th, 2023 at 04:21.

  4. #274
    Would it be possible to have Mythic effects added to the spell entries?
    As an example Magic Missile:
    The damage dealt by each missile increases to 2d4+1. The missiles bypass the shield spell and similar effects that block the non-mythic version of this spell.

    Augmented (4th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, the spell creates double the normal number of missiles (affecting up to 10 creatures), its range increases to line of sight, and it bypasses the targets’ spell resistance and spell immunity.

    Some of what are in mythic spells isn't possible as it would require changes to many coded things, but just having the base there to have it roll and be applied manually afterwards is better than nothing at all.

  5. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by rmilmine View Post
    Would it be possible to have Mythic effects added to the spell entries?
    As an example Magic Missile:
    The damage dealt by each missile increases to 2d4+1. The missiles bypass the shield spell and similar effects that block the non-mythic version of this spell.

    Augmented (4th): If you expend two uses of mythic power, the spell creates double the normal number of missiles (affecting up to 10 creatures), its range increases to line of sight, and it bypasses the targets’ spell resistance and spell immunity.

    Some of what are in mythic spells isn't possible as it would require changes to many coded things, but just having the base there to have it roll and be applied manually afterwards is better than nothing at all.
    Sorry. I will not be adding Mythic effects to the spell entries. A number of spells are already confusing due to the number of effects that are already on them. I don't want to increase that possible confusion by adding another set of effects. Especially when those effects will likely only be used by a small subset of players.

  6. #276
    thanks dllewell for all the work you did already to include all these effects.

  7. #277
    Version 8.6 has been uploaded

    The new version is linked to the first post and has been updated on the Forge.

    Just a few minor changes. I'm actually playing a spellcaster for the first time in FG, so might have some more updates coming

    These spell change have been made to both versions of the spellbook
    Add the 'paralysis' tag to all spells that paralyze
    • Archon's Trumpet
    • Chains of Light
    • Constricting Coils
    • Frozen Note
    • Ghoul Touch
    • Halt Undead
    • Hold Animal
    • Hold Fey
    • Hold Monster
    • Hold Monster, Mass
    • Hold Person
    • Hold Person, Mass

    Divine Vessel - Add SR (Extended Spellbook only) and standard size change modifiers to existing effects.

    These spell changes are only for PFRPG - Spellbook Extended
    Fire Shield - Added cold damage effect

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