1. #1

    The Maps Extravaganza bundle is back. :)

    "The Maps Extravaganza bundle was crafted for table-top roleplayers and game developers who want to create stunning fantasy maps. It features Campaign Cartographer 3+, the industry-leading map making software for RPGs, as well as specialised add-ons for creating overland maps, dungeons and floorplans in 2D and isometric. Add to that floorplans, battle maps and monster tokens, and you have the essential collection for dedicated map-makers.

    The bundle features thousands of map and monster tokens and textures in multiple styles you can use with CC3+ or any other graphics software, such as PhotoShop. You can use the maps you make with our assets commercially."

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    You can use the maps you make with our assets commercially."
    This here is why I've stuck with CC through the years. When I started it was really the only option for fantasy maps. Now I stick with it not just because of its power and community, but because I don't have to worry about misusing someone's IP if I put something in a module and distribute/sell it.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    This here is why I've stuck with CC through the years. When I started it was really the only option for fantasy maps. Now I stick with it not just because of its power and community, but because I don't have to worry about misusing someone's IP if I put something in a module and distribute/sell it.
    Yeah, the only thing I want from CC now is LoS export. I don't need or even want many of the "modernizations" of newer mapping programs (read, simplifying), but I'd like to be able to have LoS automatically created when I import it to FG or any other VTT.

  4. #4
    The fact it is offering a 760 page 110MB tutorial/guide book on how to make maps with the software doesn't bode well for how difficult it will be to use all of this lol.
    Last edited by Dudin; June 11th, 2021 at 18:58.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dudin View Post
    The fact it is offering a 760 page 110MB tutorial/guide book on how to make maps with the software is doesn't bode well for how difficult it will be to use all of this lol.
    It's CAD software, so yes, there's a learning curve, but it's far more powerful and flexible than any other fantasy mapping software on the market.

    The Tome of Ultimate Mapping is also for all the various add-ons and DLC you can buy, well over half that book covers just the added functionality and content from the add-ons.

    Your average VTT Game Master really just needs to learn basic CC3+ and Dungeon Designer. City Designer is a nice add-on too, but not necessary. Everything else is either a nice add-on (Perspectives), only useful if you play in person and want 3D terrain (Dioramas), or aren't applicable to a fantasy GM and only are useful if you're doing Sci-Fi (Cosmographer).

  6. #6
    Of course. No mapping software is easy to use/learn, but you can't blame me for thinking that it is quite the daunting learning curve.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dudin View Post
    Of course. No mapping software is easy to use/learn, but you can't blame me for thinking that it is quite the daunting learning curve.
    Not at all, as I said, it's CAD software, something generally only used by engineers and designers, and they usually learn how to use CAD software in college.

    I'm just saying it's not quite as daunting as it looks, and the returns are great.

  8. #8

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    FYI there is mapping software easy to learn, but the trade off is you lose a lot of power and the ability to customize. CC3 is extremely powerful and a "professional" grade mapper but that all comes with a complexity and learning curve cost.

  9. #9
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    For those who start with CC3+, DO THE TUTORIALS, DO NOT TRY TO LEARN CC ON YOUR OWN!

    As stated, it's CAD software, not graphics software. It has a totally different work flow and approach. You can read the manual, but really walking through the tutorials and samples in the user guide and Tome of Ultimate Mapping is the fastest way to learn it, and you end up with some nice maps too!

    Some of these tutorial maps, and my results of them, are posted in this thread. specifically, post #1, 12, 13, 14

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  10. #10

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