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  1. #1

    Only Show Totals to Players


    I've been doing quite a bit of digging around and have found a bunch of threads related to this topic, but none address what I need all at once. I am playing D&D 5e but posting this in the general forum since it's likely not a 5e-specific solution, I imagine any Core RPG system could leverage this.

    Is there any way in FGU (whether it's with an extension or not is fine by me) to do both of the following simultaneously?
    1) When a player rolls an attack roll or saving throw: FGU displays the raw dice roll, modifiers, and total, but not display hit/miss/success/fail (doable if you have "show results to players" off).
    2) When an NPC rolls an attack roll or saving throw: FGU displays the total, but not the modifiers or raw dice roll (doable if you have "show GM rolls" off and "show results to players" on).

    The intent of the above is that I'd like my players to see totals for NPC rolls, but not be able to discern their stats via visible modifiers. Additionally, I would like FGU to figure out results and show them to me, but not to my players, in order for me to have a chance to review and then announce them myself or ask for further action from my players before I do (Bardic Inspiration, Luck, Guidance, etc.). As the notes in parenthesis above imply, from what I can tell, both 1 and 2 are currently mutually exclusive; it's not possible to have both simultaneously due to the conflicting "show results to players" setting.

    My proposal is to add a third option to "show results to players" called something like "totals only", which would then show totals of rolls but not hit/miss/success/fail (effectively an identical message to now but without [HIT] at the end or the hit graphic on the left, etc.). This would enable both cases above to function simultaneously. Another option would be to split "show results to players" into "Show PC results to players" and "Show NPC results to players" settings. Is there any way to achieve this through currently existing settings or extensions?
    Last edited by Ilandria; August 7th, 2023 at 04:59.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I think there are a couple of extensions on the forge which will do something of what you want. There's a couple of Bardic Inspiration ones which intercept the dice rolls. Here's one https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/622/view

    As you say there isn't a way to natively do what you want.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #3
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Would be nice to have.
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  4. #4
    You have a rough workaround to this which would be to not have the players target anything when they have bardic inspiration (or a bard who might use cutting words). That will just get you a raw (modified roll) for an attack, for instance, but with no hit or miss result. The player can then decide if they want to use their bardic inspiration or not. You as the GM\DM can then add that modifier to the modifier box and then drag their original roll to the target and drop it on them (map or CT entry) and then see the result. While FGU automates so much for us, this is a situation where the automation gets ahead of some of the rules and you have to either do a workaround or in my case, I just give up on them knowing if it would have hit\succeeded or not and just let them enjoy their slight extra metagaming option. The slowdown to gameplay just isn't worth it for me (the juice isn't worth the squeeze so to speak for me).

    I don't believe you would want to do this for all rolls, as it would really slow down combat and put more burden back on the GM\DM, but each table will be different.

    If you would like to see your option potentially moved forward, though, you should also submit it to the Idea informer and put a link to it here in your thread.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BaneTBC View Post
    You have a rough workaround to this which would be to not have the players target anything when they have bardic inspiration (or a bard who might use cutting words).
    This is actually what we did for a while, but the frequency of effects in our party that happen after-attack-roll-but-before-result made constantly dealing with players remembering to un-target and re-target was getting rather tedious and prone to lots of mistakes I constantly had to undo. Due to that we've since just been playing with "show GM rolls" on and "show results to players" off for now as it seems to be the lowest-hassle workaround for the time being. The downside to this is that players always get to see exactly what bonuses/conditions/etc. NPCs have on all of their rolls, and while it's been okay for the most part, it has definitely led to a good deal of like... 'unintentional' metagaming; players will comment on stuff like "it's only a +2 to that save so you're probably good" or "don't bother trying again, it has +8 insight lol".

    Quote Originally Posted by BaneTBC View Post
    If you would like to see your option potentially moved forward, though, you should also submit it to the Idea informer and put a link to it here in your thread.
    I've seen people mention this a few times but any links I find on the forums to that are always 404s so I figured the system was shut down, my mistake. I will definitely post something there; thanks!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    There's a couple of Bardic Inspiration ones which intercept the dice rolls. Here's one https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/622/view.
    I'll look into the forge a bit more and the one you linked. I did look at one or two but nothing seemed to quite fit the bill. Thank you!
    Last edited by Ilandria; August 7th, 2023 at 20:34.

  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilandria View Post
    I've seen people mention this a few times but any links I find on the forums to that are always 404s so I figured the system was shut down, my mistake. I will definitely post something there; thanks!
    The Idea Informer project was updated (switched to a new project within Idea Informer service) a few years back. So links that are old enough won't work.

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  8. #8
    Could you just have them roll in the dice tower and tell them the result and then let them decide if they use the ability?

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