5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by DmHesh View Post
    From what was reported they were involved in making a competitor to D&D Beyond before purchasing it. Now they are having to support it because it ties into all their future plans. Here is the link to the video with all the info. https://youtu.be/J4kGMsZSdbY
    WotC is really great at saying they are designing software but historically bad at actually releasing it. They tried for decades and consistently fail hard. So while your source may have some possibly legitimate source that they wanted to, or were in progress building a D&D Beyond clone, that doesn't mean they'd ever finish or release it. Even if they did make it to the finish line they would have to convince the DDB subscribers to switch.

    Since they were partnered with DDB since its inception I don't see why they would bother creating a competitive product that costs them money to produce. The.purchase of DDB was a natural choice if they wanted something. It was developed, had subscribers and did its job really well. I suppose some executive with an ego trip might not like DDB but I'm sure he likes his annual bonus more than unemployment.

    That is the problem with leaks, they might be true, they might not be true. You or I have no way to know for certain. You can choose to believe whichever you like, same with me.

  2. #92
    Yeah Linda Codega on Gizmodo is also involved with all this as well. She wrote a huge article about the OGL, and has more coming according to that video I posted the link to. The video has a large description under it as well telling more about it.

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    WotC is really great at saying they are designing software but historically bad at actually releasing it. They tried for decades and consistently fail hard. So while your source may have some possibly legitimate source that they wanted to, or were in progress building a D&D Beyond clone, that doesn't mean they'd ever finish or release it. Even if they did make it to the finish line they would have to convince the DDB subscribers to switch.

    Since they were partnered with DDB since its inception I don't see why they would bother creating a competitive product that costs them money to produce. The.purchase of DDB was a natural choice if they wanted something. It was developed, had subscribers and did its job really well. I suppose some executive with an ego trip might not like DDB but I'm sure he likes his annual bonus more than unemployment.

    That is the problem with leaks, they might be true, they might not be true. You or I have no way to know for certain. You can choose to believe whichever you like, same with me.
    Yep, that what they hired Chris Coa to do. He came from developing games for computer and mobile. They also brought in recently multiple people from Microsoft to help with this as well. Their new VTT is coming and these are the people who are building it.

  4. #94
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    That is the problem with leaks, they might be true, they might not be true. You or I have no way to know for certain. You can choose to believe whichever you like, same with me.
    Not only that, but imo it's often more about opinion and perspective. Vary rarely in large corporations (and even small ones) does one person's viewpoint (and opinion) really represent a complete picture, or is it unbiased.

    It's interesting info no doubt, but it's tainted by a lack of perfect knowledge and by personal agendas. i.e. often those who leak info are dissatisfied with what they think is happening. Maybe rightly so, but often times because they don't see a full picture or even care about larger issues.

    Its very common that the folks are the creator/contributor level don't care about larger long term issues and hence anything that goes against their pure vision of what the product should be incite discontent. I've seen this repeatedly with things like product design ("We should make this blender more powerful!" Despite legal requirements. "Our car should be the fastest in the world!" Despite that without a product affordable to the masses, the company will not be profitable.)

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  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by DmHesh View Post
    Yeah Linda Codega on Gizmodo is also involved with all this as well. She wrote a huge article about the OGL, and has more coming according to that video I posted the link to. The video has a large description under it as well telling more about it.
    There is so much misinformation circulating with correct information that it is better to reference something released by multiple trusted sources than to hop onto the first monetized YouTube video that claims to know stuff. Has Linda Codega produced an actual article on this subject or is he just dropping the name?

    It would be easy enough for me to say I know several people inside WotC that have said in confidence that the D&D virtual tabletop plans to sell virtual figures for $5 each and that you can only have as many figures of a type as you own, so if you want to put 20 orcs into a module you have to buy 20 identical orc figures (some sources say there will be several variations on figures to add diversity and drive monetization), and that they cannot be reused in the same dungeon. Figures will also have a scaling cost based on the size difference from medium, +3 per variation. So large and small would be $8 while Tiny and Huge would be $11, etc. Also of note is that WotC isn't planning to implement rules, they just provide the interface, keeping the experience as close to the tabletop as possible. Another of my sources says that this is actually the PR spin because the your software developers were so far behind schedule and over budget that it was the best they could release by next year

    None of the above is true, but it sounds true. If I were an insider leaker with actual information I think I would probably leak to CNN over DnD Shorts.

  6. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by DmHesh View Post
    Yep, that what they hired Chris Coa to do. He came from developing games for computer and mobile. They also brought in recently multiple people from Microsoft to help with this as well. Their new VTT is coming and these are the people who are building it.
    Yes, it is true they have said it is coming. That is not the same as it actually being released. The internet is filled with listings of cancelled products, some canceled just before release. The most recent news from Hasbro is that they cancelled 5 upcoming software projects that were in development. So until you actually see it, can buy or subscribe to it, it doesn't really exist.

    Developers from Microsoft mean nothing, they aren't anymore super awesomeness than others, do you know them specifically? Do you know the quality of their individual work and accomplishments? For all we know they are developers who were laid off for being lazy? They might be top tier programmers that WotC is paying premium dollars for. We don't know...

    As for Chris Coa, what does he matter in software development? He's a marketing guy not a software engineer? He know how to make you want something not how to actually make it exist.

  7. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    He retracted his statement because he was WRONG. His "inside" information is just as reliable now as it was then. Just like WotC has lost my trust in their intentions, Shorts has lost his credibility as well. You believe him if you wish, but portraying him as a reliable source to others is misleading.
    He wasn't so much wrong as he was reporting what the source told him. THAT source believed that the surveys were not being utilized. He's since had confirmation from various other people within WoTC that countered, or at least adjusted that perspective since.

    You can dismiss him for this one issue or you can go watch his latest where he shows all the information from all his sources that have been confirmed with multiple other people.

    His last request was that any sources send their information to the person that broke the story to begin with (the press person).

    I find him much more reliable than WoTC at this stage. Almost every lawyer that has looked at the contracts have said it contains various backdoor and "tricky" wording to get what we were all complaining about to begin with. So, we know they are not above using slight of hand to con us into believing anything they say at this point. We KNOWN WoTC/Hasbro is not being honest based on that alone. Emphasizing a perspective given from a inside source by someone not in the press that is later cleared up? Not even comparable to what Hasbro/WoTC are pushing out. If you're dismissing him out of hand for that I expect you'll never have anything to do with Hasbro.
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  8. #98
    As far as I am concerned, I will be migrating AWAY from WotC games and to other options that play just as well. Ive played DnD since 2nd edition.
    Well, that experience can translate well to another game under ORC licensing so its no loss to me, mostly a loss to HASBRO for being greedy and wanting to REVOKE 1.0a.
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