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  1. #1

    OneD&D, and OGL v1.1

    In case people weren't aware there had been some "controversy" about the OGL and OneD&D (henceforth referred to 5.5e by me) the last couple of weeks. This was largely pushed by rumormongers trying to drive click bait YT videos. Note: The OGL v1.0 & v1.0a are perpetual and irrevocable.

    But it does seem that WotC are going to attempt to release an updated OGL and SRD with 5.5e. I'm not seeing any reason at this point why somebody would choose to create material under the v1.1 license, but we also haven't seen the text, or if there is going to be a big enough carrot to accept the license.

    I do see that it is going to flatly disbar PCGen from using the license, because they are defining the OGL v1.1 as ONLY covering print and static media (PDF's, epubs, etc). PCGen uses the LGPL for the code engine, but all the data files are plain text and human readable and 100% in compliance with the OGL. So them saying that the OGL only applied to print and pdf's is incorrect. I have a feeling they are conflating some details from the OGL and the old d20 STL, which did only cover print and pdf's

    First, we’re making sure that OGL 1.1 is clear about what it covers and what it doesn’t. OGL 1.1 makes clear it only covers material created for use in or as TTRPGs, and those materials are only ever permitted as printed media or static electronic files (like epubs and PDFs). Other types of content, like videos and video games, are only possible through the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy or a custom agreement with us. To clarify: Outside of printed media and static electronic files, the OGL doesn’t cover it.
    WotC press release

    A fairly long EnWorld forum post about the pres release, where it shows even after 22+ years, people still don't understand the OGL

    Note: I am very sure that Doug and John are aware of the news, and I'm also 98% certain they won't (and shouldn't) comment because of various NDA's and legal agreements they have with WotC.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    I find it interesting, but until we actually see the text of the document, it's really just speculation. And as you pointed out, a lot of fear mongering to drive clicks and views.

    The only point I like to refresh is since they say that OneD&D will be backwards compatible, I see no reason why people will not be able to continue using the 1.0 and 1.0a licenses to publish OneD&D content. If it's compatible, then it's compatible going forward too.

    The whole point about "static" electronic files is interesting, but I'm not sure their is legal precedence or definition of such. After all, a Hero Lab file is just as static as a PDF is. i.e. they don't change until something changes them. And both can be changed by computer programs if designed to do so. (Folks tend to think that once a PDF is created it can not be changed, but that is far from the truth. Even password protected PDFs can easily be changed.) I don't know what they are trying to get at here, and their example of an NFT certainly doesn't fit their earlier categorization of non-static.

    Anyway, when they release the text of 1.1 it will be interesting to read.

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  3. #3
    I think they are trying to say no making movies and video games 'based on the worlds most monetized role-playing game' unless we pre-approve you to give us money.

  4. #4
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Nothing good comes out of Hasbro and corporate greed. I expect them to try to pull the worst attempts to squeeze money, put paywalls and restrict access and try to get away with. Lets remember the 4e fiasco.
    Now they see backlash and probably things will not be that dire, but I guess time to finally move on.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    Note: The OGL v1.0 & v1.0a are perpetual and irrevocable.
    Except a leaked copy of 1.1 shows that it entirely revokes 1.0. So much for perpetual and irrevocable.

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    I dont believe they can revoke earlier licenses. They can release new licenses but products released under license X are released under license X.

    9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.

  7. #7
    Check the many YouTube videos addressing this issue. One, a lawyer, send to think they may be able to do so.

  8. #8
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devinlc View Post
    Check the many YouTube videos addressing this issue. One, a lawyer, send to think they may be able to do so.
    If you prefer to read than watch, here's what I assume is a similar legal view: https://www.enworld.org/threads/hell...nfusion.694192

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  9. #9

  10. #10
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    I'm not a content creator so I'm somewhat oblivious to the fallout of the OGL 1.1 but I have been watching YouTubers discuss this with interest. I have yet to find anybody simply engaging in clickbait and everyone is taking a measured approach with their speculation. My main concern is OneD&D itself. The trend of the new rules and push toward digital gaming has greatly disinterested me and for the first time since the introduction of D&D Next and D&D Fifth Edition, I am choosing not to continue buying every product that comes out (which means hardbound, D&D Beyond, and FG). I think I'm what would be considered a "whale" and very soon I'll become a barely more than a guppy. Old School and independent products are now becoming very interesting to me.

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