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  1. #711
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Just tested and confirmed that issue.

    Here's my assumption:
    When you drag an effect out of the actions tab, onSpellAction checks for your caster level bonus. Because it's now been used, it expires.
    If correct, this means you need a method of parsing effects that doesn't remove effects that have expired.
    I have done this in Live Hitpoints and some other extensions: https://github.com/bmos/FG-PFRPG-Liv...ect_35E_DS.lua Since you alread overwrite getEffectsBonus, maybe just add a boolean argument after rEffectSpell that bypasses expiry?
    Thanks for the investigation Oki, I will add that once I have finished my current research project Sounds easy to do, and it makes a lot of sense what you are describing

    I appreciate your help (as always )

  2. #712
    Quote Originally Posted by timberbeast View Post
    I'm having trouble adding the CL or DC effect when using IFT. For instance, the effect CL: 2; DC: 2 works fine by itself, as does IFTAG: spell; CL: 2; DC: 2, but when I try IFT:TYPE(outsider); CL: 2; DC: 2 - it doesn't add the increases to CL or DC. I've also tried IFT: TYPE(outsider); IFTAG: spell; DC: 2; CL: 2 as well as IFTAG: spell; IFT: TYPE(outsider); DC: 2; CL: 2. This is the only extension that I'm using.

    This is for a 3.5e campaign.

    Anyone have any ideas...or is it not supposed to work with IFT?
    Indeed, it is not supposed to work with IFT, because both, CL and DC, are not targetable effects

    If you look at the effects' wiki, or at the forge description of my extension, then only the effects with a (T) in their description will work with IFT

  3. #713
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    Indeed, it is not supposed to work with IFT, because both, CL and DC, are not targetable effects

    If you look at the effects' wiki, or at the forge description of my extension, then only the effects with a (T) in their description will work with IFT
    Ah...well, I'm sure I read that at some point but just forgot - thanks for the reminder

    Do you know any way to make what I'm trying work? Another extension maybe? There's a prestige class that gives the caster a +2 CL and +2 DC to spells when the target is an evil outsider and I'd like to have an effect that automatically handles that instead of manually adjusting each time.

  4. #714
    Quote Originally Posted by timberbeast View Post
    Ah...well, I'm sure I read that at some point but just forgot - thanks for the reminder

    Do you know any way to make what I'm trying work? Another extension maybe? There's a prestige class that gives the caster a +2 CL and +2 DC to spells when the target is an evil outsider and I'd like to have an effect that automatically handles that instead of manually adjusting each time.
    Would this work?: IFT: TYPE (evil, outsider); IFTAG: spell; DC: 2; CL: 2

  5. #715
    Quote Originally Posted by cmeyer View Post
    Would this work?: IFT: TYPE (evil, outsider); IFTAG: spell; DC: 2; CL: 2
    I did, but it didn't work. I think the whole IFT thing won't work for CL and DC, like Kelrugem said

  6. #716
    Quote Originally Posted by timberbeast View Post
    Ah...well, I'm sure I read that at some point but just forgot - thanks for the reminder

    Do you know any way to make what I'm trying work? Another extension maybe? There's a prestige class that gives the caster a +2 CL and +2 DC to spells when the target is an evil outsider and I'd like to have an effect that automatically handles that instead of manually adjusting each time.
    I can check whether I can recode these effects next time Due to that I need to adjust their code (see the previous discussion) I can look whether I can add target information to these effects (DC yes, CL may be difficult to do so, I will see)

  7. #717
    Quote Originally Posted by timberbeast View Post
    I did, but it didn't work. I think the whole IFT thing won't work for CL and DC, like Kelrugem said
    Good grief! - I missed that you tried that exact phrase.

  8. #718
    Quote Originally Posted by timberbeast View Post
    Ah...well, I'm sure I read that at some point but just forgot - thanks for the reminder

    Do you know any way to make what I'm trying work? Another extension maybe? There's a prestige class that gives the caster a +2 CL and +2 DC to spells when the target is an evil outsider and I'd like to have an effect that automatically handles that instead of manually adjusting each time.
    As a work around maybe IF: TYPE (evil, outsider); SAVE: -2; SR: -2; and a REMOVE version. Hot key each for easy adding to your target(s) before and then removing afterwards.

  9. #719
    Morenu's Avatar
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    I put this in the advance character sheet forum post #27 but thought i should link it here as it includes 3 extensions. Any combo of 2 of the 3 works.
    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  10. #720
    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    I put this in the advance character sheet forum post #27 but thought i should link it here as it includes 3 extensions. Any combo of 2 of the 3 works.

    I can look at it soon, currently in holidays and I wanted to spend some of my holidays for Pen&Paper (though also for preparing my campaign )

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