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  1. #321
    Quote Originally Posted by Boldtaar View Post
    On the character sheet personnel tab make more room for Background and less space for Notes
    (Visible rows for reading)
    It's going to happen, the entire tab will be updated soon, as careers are getting an update, a proper update.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  2. #322
    Quote Originally Posted by rcruk View Post
    Please make it so that we can have a good sized portrait on the character sheet
    How big are you thinking? In the RQ ruleset I've got up to 80 x 80 pixels. Also been thinking of maybe moving the portrait into the background/notes area, and just having the token on the top.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MadBeardMan to see what I'm up to!

  3. #323
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post

    Actually this is something I'd like, the main issue is that the Equipment List is based on CoreRPG, but I've been working heavily on the RQ ruleset and so I'll try some ideas out and see what I can do.

    So thanks for this, I'll find something. I think what I'll look at doing is if you expand the window, both name and location field 'share' the expansion. Thinking 'aloud' I think I can do this. What I'm learning with RQ is that I can make some cool updates to this ruleset soon in other areas.

    That's great news! Hope to see it sometime soon but again, I understand it's more of a QOL request rather than fixing a major bug.

  4. #324
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    How big are you thinking? In the RQ ruleset I've got up to 80 x 80 pixels. Also been thinking of maybe moving the portrait into the background/notes area, and just having the token on the top.

    Are you planning to move all the finance to the equipment tab? If the existing finance box could be moved above the additional info and then repurposed as the portrait frame that might work well?

  5. #325
    Please please please, add 'Charisma (Vargr) Characteristic' to the Characteristics (GM) Options. We use this in our game, as I'm sure others do, and it would be handy to be able to record it separate from SOC. It's not fair that Hivers and Aslan get theirs!

  6. #326
    Quote Originally Posted by rcruk View Post
    Please please please, add 'Charisma (Vargr) Characteristic' to the Characteristics (GM) Options. We use this in our game, as I'm sure others do, and it would be handy to be able to record it separate from SOC. It's not fair that Hivers and Aslan get theirs!
    ^- this =)

  7. #327
    Quote Originally Posted by rcruk View Post
    Please please please, add 'Charisma (Vargr) Characteristic' to the Characteristics (GM) Options. We use this in our game, as I'm sure others do, and it would be handy to be able to record it separate from SOC. It's not fair that Hivers and Aslan get theirs!

    If you add Charisma (CHA) characteristic wont it collide with Charm (CHA) characteristic from the Traveller companion options when selecting skill characteristic DM in FG?

    Use the Social Standing (SOC) box for Charisma (CHA), Vargr from the Extents do not have a SOC characteristic.
    I also use Charm (CHA) characteristic (Traveller companion options) in one of my campaign for a Varger and some low SOC travellers when the deal with people that doesn't care about there SOC or Varger CHA.
    But I guess you could run in to a situation when a Extents Varger gain some Social Standing with the Empire or a human takes charge of a pack of Varger.

    Mabe have Charisma (CHA) and change Charm to (CHM,) but guess have MadBeardMan would need to check with mongoosepublishing because they didn't think about CHA being used for two characteristics.
    Last edited by Boldtaar; July 19th, 2022 at 23:43.

  8. #328
    Finacess and Currency

    Suggest remove "Cash on Hand" from Finacess and use use Currency on Inventor tab as as Cash on Hand.
    Keep Pension, MSP and Debt but also add Salary, SOL (Standard of Living) and Bank Savings.

    Under Currency have Cr, KCr and MCr
    Makes it easier to edit cash. I done this to my game in the option menu, but think it could be standard

  9. #329
    A few old and new ship sheet and deckplan suggestions:

    * Allow images to be drop into notes tab when creating a new ship. Now it's only the prebuilt ship can have attached deckplans in the notes tab.

    * Auto copy the notes tab to include description and deckplans when using a another ship as template to create a new ship.

    * Add crew salaries on ship sheet and show on party sheet. Maybe even have a payout button the GM can use.

    * The way max Fire control DM is automatically applied to all weapons is wrong and confusing in the combat tracker.
    It should be a pool that can be divided among all weapons or applied to one weapon. Mabe can have a little dice bool on the action tab that can drag and dropped on the different weapons systems.

    * Make it possible to add NPC crew to a NPC ship and save it as a Battle. Then have the crew skills and stats applied to the ships weapons systems.

    * On the ship status tab show/save info about critical hits and hull point damage taken. The info is now only available as long as you have the ship in the combat tracker.
    If the info is saved on the ship sheet it easier to access when doing repairs after combat and also makes it possible for GM to prep space battles with ships in less than perfect condition to start with.

    * Add a individual copy of the Critical Hit Location table to the ship sheet (Status or a new tab) that can be edit and rolled against.
    Then GM can create table that better reflect the individual ship. For example some ship are missing some systems or GM wants one particular system to have a larger chance to be hit on a ship.

    * Suggestion when making the new 2022 edition deckplans.
    Have transparent background and separate decks into different images, then it becomes easy for a GM to use the images as asset when creating maps.
    For example you can drop a hangar as a background and have a ground combat between characters inside the ship and enemies outside in the hangar.
    * Add LOS on all deckplans and have the deckplan room description numbers in a separate paint layer or as token that can be toggled on/off.

    * Have a link or tab to a small space battle map from the ship combat tracker for quick assess.
    Like the "Fleet Movement Chart" or a custom one like my Starship Combat Range Tabel https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...9&d=1658364258
    Last edited by Boldtaar; July 28th, 2022 at 15:17.

  10. #330
    Quote Originally Posted by cdjensen99 View Post
    I do not need a flowchart to make the characters in Traveller, I have been making character since the LBB's back in the 80's. What I am looking for is a full blown character generator. Lets take the Character wizard for D&D as an example. This is not to walk me through character generation it it to speed up character generation.

    Tab 1: Race. It would have all of the possible races listed and as the click on one it would display all of the information on that race.
    Tab 2: Characteristics. This is the tricky one as some races have different ways of generating a stat. some will have DEX 1d+3, Those that has anything that was not a 2d would be rolled in that stat and locked, the 2d can be moved around as desires, then racial stats such as STR +2 would be applied. So in the example of the DEX mentioned earlier it would roll 1d put it in the DEX box and then below the box would be the +3, Aslan would have a 2d that was assigned with the other 2d and then below the STR box the +2 would be applied.

    The term tab could be all terms on one tab, a Career on one tab, or a tab per term
    Tab 3: Term 1, Choose between Career, University, and Academy. If career a list of careers would be there and you choose, then the Qual box would be there already populated with what you needed to roll. hit the button and it rolls that. Then survival, ETC. If univerity or Academy then entry would populat with what was needed and so one.
    Tab 4: Term 2, Choose between Career, University, and Academy, if you didn't get into the academy the 1 term (applying negatives). Step through this term as above.
    Tab 5: Term 3, Choose between Career, University, and Academy, if you didn't get into the academy the 1 or 2 terms (applying negatives). Step through this term as above.
    Tab 6: Term 4, Choose Career. Step through this term as above. Roll for age
    Tab 7: I think you get the picture.
    Next Tab: Career Muster out. If mustering out you would come here and it would have the Career listed, the benefit rolls accrued and as Cash or benefits for each roll. Recording each roll. You would come here after mustering out of each career.
    Save Character would create a character sheet and done.

    That is the dream, in reality anything that would automat the process more would be appreciated.
    Amen. I realize that something like this is time consuming to create, but given the code is in the vault, I doubt a community extension is going to manifest.
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    Extension Support Discord: https://discord.gg/gKgC7nGpZK

    Extensions = risk to your gaming experience. If you haven't tested out the extensions in your campaign before your gaming session, turn them off. If you don't backup your campaigns regularly, you're doing it wrong.

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