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  1. #261
    Quote Originally Posted by cdjensen99 View Post
    Has there been any progress on an extension for Character generator?
    What do you want it to do? This isn't trying to beat down on this idea. Its something that beens stated as a desire, but there hasn't been a lot of articulation as to what they want.
    Like what do you want it to do that the included flow chart? (which is a bit weak) or a fan made flow chart isn't already doing?

  2. #262
    Well I can take a stab at it

    This Referee would ideally like a set of pre generated NPCs that can be dragged and dropped into the combat tracker in the same manner as a D&D DM would do.
    Marine Tech Level 7
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    Having said that Traveller is not DnD5e and to compare the features of the two isn't really all that fair in my opinion. The demand and number of users between the different systems is really night and day and I for one am very thankful to have Traveller on FG2

    I don't mind creating interesting NPCs myself and have done some already that are easy to grab for some spontaneous combat

    I would throw money at a mod that was "fully populated" with drag and drop NPCs for the characters to possibly interact with on a map.

    I suppose I could try and create one myself but am knee deep in creating my campaign so already have enough on my plate. Perhaps I could do so later this year when I have some staycation time
    Ultimate License Holder & FGU backer
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  3. #263

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    Have you had a look at the 2 npc modules already made? You can find links to them under the Community Expansions thread

  4. #264
    Quote Originally Posted by johnecc View Post
    Have you had a look at the 2 npc modules already made? You can find links to them under the Community Expansions thread
    No I hadn't thanks so much
    rep for you
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  5. #265
    Quote Originally Posted by donpaulo View Post
    Well I can take a stab at it

    This Referee would ideally like a set of pre generated NPCs that can be dragged and dropped into the combat tracker in the same manner as a D&D DM would do.
    Marine Tech Level 7
    Marine TL 9
    Thug TL 5
    Pilot TL9
    etc etc

    Having said that Traveller is not DnD5e and to compare the features of the two isn't really all that fair in my opinion. The demand and number of users between the different systems is really night and day and I for one am very thankful to have Traveller on FG2

    I don't mind creating interesting NPCs myself and have done some already that are easy to grab for some spontaneous combat

    I would throw money at a mod that was "fully populated" with drag and drop NPCs for the characters to possibly interact with on a map.

    I suppose I could try and create one myself but am knee deep in creating my campaign so already have enough on my plate. Perhaps I could do so later this year when I have some staycation time
    Huh. I didn't think folks wanted it for making NPCs. I thought they wanted it for making PC for the game. For myself at least, NPC are pretty easy to throw together in Traveller. And due to how Fantasy Grounds work, its trival to copy an NPC several time over. (The downside to this, is that they all have the same stats and skills.) What I found much harder for NPC was figuring out where to put NPC tokents.

  6. #266
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWigggles View Post
    Huh. I didn't think folks wanted it for making NPCs. I thought they wanted it for making PC for the game. For myself at least, NPC are pretty easy to throw together in Traveller. And due to how Fantasy Grounds work, its trival to copy an NPC several time over. (The downside to this, is that they all have the same stats and skills.) What I found much harder for NPC was figuring out where to put NPC tokents.
    To each his or her own I suppose

    I enjoy the character creation process, so much grist to grasp and filter through ones hands...
    Ultimate License Holder & FGU backer
    playing D&D since 1980

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  7. #267
    I do not need a flowchart to make the characters in Traveller, I have been making character since the LBB's back in the 80's. What I am looking for is a full blown character generator. Lets take the Character wizard for D&D as an example. This is not to walk me through character generation it it to speed up character generation.

    Tab 1: Race. It would have all of the possible races listed and as the click on one it would display all of the information on that race.
    Tab 2: Characteristics. This is the tricky one as some races have different ways of generating a stat. some will have DEX 1d+3, Those that has anything that was not a 2d would be rolled in that stat and locked, the 2d can be moved around as desires, then racial stats such as STR +2 would be applied. So in the example of the DEX mentioned earlier it would roll 1d put it in the DEX box and then below the box would be the +3, Aslan would have a 2d that was assigned with the other 2d and then below the STR box the +2 would be applied.

    The term tab could be all terms on one tab, a Career on one tab, or a tab per term
    Tab 3: Term 1, Choose between Career, University, and Academy. If career a list of careers would be there and you choose, then the Qual box would be there already populated with what you needed to roll. hit the button and it rolls that. Then survival, ETC. If univerity or Academy then entry would populat with what was needed and so one.
    Tab 4: Term 2, Choose between Career, University, and Academy, if you didn't get into the academy the 1 term (applying negatives). Step through this term as above.
    Tab 5: Term 3, Choose between Career, University, and Academy, if you didn't get into the academy the 1 or 2 terms (applying negatives). Step through this term as above.
    Tab 6: Term 4, Choose Career. Step through this term as above. Roll for age
    Tab 7: I think you get the picture.
    Next Tab: Career Muster out. If mustering out you would come here and it would have the Career listed, the benefit rolls accrued and as Cash or benefits for each roll. Recording each roll. You would come here after mustering out of each career.
    Save Character would create a character sheet and done.

    That is the dream, in reality anything that would automat the process more would be appreciated.
    Last edited by cdjensen99; December 2nd, 2021 at 22:54. Reason: additions

  8. #268
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdjensen99 View Post
    I do not need a flowchart to make the characters in Traveller, I have been making character since the LBB's back in the 80's. What I am looking for is a full blown character generator. Lets take the Character wizard for D&D as an example. This is not to walk me through character generation it it to speed up character generation.
    The Character Wizard had a Full Time dev work on it full time for something like 6 months.

  9. #269
    Understood, I was asked what I would like to see in a Character Generator so I spelled it out. I realize what is entailed in this that is why I put in the last comment. Some automation would be appreciated. To flip through the book opening charts and then flip through to a different section to make another roll is very time consuming when trying to take players through the Character Creation process.

  10. #270

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