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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Littlerogue View Post
    Another little suggestion : Armor upgrades, weapons fusions and others accessories are pretty hard to track on : The GM need to forge a new item cumulating the base item + corresponding template each time a player want to have a modded armor/weapon, which is pretty much time consuming as players doesn't have access to the forge, and also not very usefull because none of the upgrades accessories imply ingame stats modifications of the weapon/armor (they do not provides bonus to the AC or to the attack rolls like a weapon enchantment can do in PF1, for example.

    I finally managed to drag'n drop upgrades/fusions/special materials templates in the party sheet inventory (strangely templates can be drag'n dropped directly in the PC inventory ...). Then player's pick up the upgrades they wants and add them to their inventory.

    I'd like to have the possibility to add a "sub-inventory" (juste a collapsable sub-section) under each item, just for easier sorting : Items in these sub-section should follow the same rules as others items (for bulk calculation mainly), to it's basically just grouping function.
    Sorry for digging up my own topic but the "drag'n drop templates to party sheet to transform it into an item" doesn't seems to work anymore... My players don't have access to item forge, right ? So how can they manage easly their armor upgrades and weapon fusion, and how can i give them without having to link it to an item ?

    Thank you.

  2. #12
    Preparing my campaign, i found a few thing thad could be improved

    • Resolve stat is automated but some effects like extra resolve could add some. Could we have a magnifying glass detailing the calculations on this stat, with the possibility to manual add a modifier ?
    • Same for the defenses stats of starships : AC/TL/CT etc. are rightly set as far as i can see but i'd like to see the details of modifiers resulting in this total, for verification purpose
    • Templates as item, as my previous post
    • Ablative armor for starships (SOM) : A piloting malus apply if the sum of Temporary HP granted by the ablative armor exceed the total HP of the starship. Is it possible to automate this malus ?

    And some i'd really like to see to make effects and "coding" easier

    • Improve the copy/duplicate fonction to be able to copy class ability, spell and more importantly spell action (cast, dmg, heal, effect). It would be really easeful for redundant effects with only a value differing between differents effetcs.
    • Add "expenditure" option for spells/class app actions (cast, dmg, heal, effect). I'm thinking about a box (located in the detail of the action, accessible with magnifying glass) where you set the number of "charge" to expend, and another where you select the type of these "charge" : General pools like RP, Entropy Points, but more importantly specific pool associated with the action (spell slot when you are in spells, or the gauge you manually set for a class aptitude, well, for certains specials actions (like spells wich consume RP), it could also be useful to have several expenditure line). Why tho ? because with this option you would associate the expenditure of the point(s) WHEN you click the cast (for dmg, heal, effect ...) action, avoiding to forget to do it manually, AND for certains effects (like a item with 10 charge with a effect which consume 4) you could expend the right number of point with an unique action.

    What do you think about these ideas?
    Last edited by Littlerogue; June 13th, 2022 at 08:36.

  3. #13
    About the expenditures and the number of use of class abilities : it would also be great to add the following fonctionnality :
    • Right click on the number of use/gauge > "Reset uses" to simply reset all the slots
    • Add on option for auto-resetting the gauge for short-rest/long-rest

  4. #14
    If possible, could you also report the Computer bonus (it appear in starship sheet, not editable by players) in the PC sheet, in "Starship" tab ?
    Also, the magic officer action "Precognition" should add a +2 bonus to the next starship INIT test.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Littlerogue View Post
    Sorry for digging up my own topic but the "drag'n drop templates to party sheet to transform it into an item" doesn't seems to work anymore... My players don't have access to item forge, right ? So how can they manage easly their armor upgrades and weapon fusion, and how can i give them without having to link it to an item ?

    Thank you.
    You need to create them for your players using the Forge and drop them into their inventory.
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord - Lord_Ulric
    Time Zone: US Eastern (GMT -5)
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  6. #16
    And that's exactly what i will not do :-)

    I mean, the forge is good to craft items with definitive enchantments. In Starfinder, you're more likely to have weapon fusion seal, armor upgrades and weapons tools which my players frequently share or move from one slot to another.
    From now i used a "bug" which allow to convert a template into an item by drag'n dropping them in shared inventory in party sheet. Player's could then pick up an item and store in in their inventory, under the associated weapon/armor, changing when needed.

    Now, i use the forge to create a blank item of the same name than the template, combine it with the template to copy the description to the new item. It's a bit longer but it seems to work.
    Last edited by Littlerogue; June 15th, 2022 at 20:36.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Littlerogue View Post
    And that's exactly what i will not do :-)

    I mean, the forge is good to craft items with definitive enchantments. In Starfinder, you're more likely to have weapon fusion seal, armor upgrades and weapons tools which my players frequently share or move from one slot to another.
    From now i used a "bug" which allow to convert a template into an item by drag'n dropping them in shared inventory in party sheet. Player's could then pick up an item and store in in their inventory, under the associated weapon/armor, changing when needed.

    Now, i use the forge to create a blank item of the same name than the template, combine it with the template to copy the description to the new item. It's a bit longer but it seems to work.
    What ever trips your trigger!
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord - Lord_Ulric
    Time Zone: US Eastern (GMT -5)
    Playing -
    Starfinder, D&D, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Hero System aka Champions, Traveller, and more!
    My Forge Creations

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