1. #1

    How would Clerics view Druids?

    RAW Druids do not need gods for their magic, and in settings outside of Faerun where gods are absolutely needed for divine magic, how would they view Druids and vice versa? Misguided worshippers of a force that cares not for them? Or would they take a calm approach and say "hey that's cool come meet my nature god"
    Last edited by avicci; June 7th, 2022 at 21:54.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Depends on the setting and the cleric's dogma. It also depends on how the DM views non-cleric magic. I don't think 5E really divides magic in arcane and divine any more. Yes there are remnants of it, but It's no longer a hard set of categories. Maybe things like druid and ranger magic is just manipulating natural forces similar to a sorcerer, maybe its powered by the god of nature, maybe something else.

    There is no one answer, each setting and each DM can take their own view on this. IMO

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  3. #3
    Snarky answer: Ideally from a safe distance.

    Real answer: Clerics believe their Gods control nature. The Druids' god IS nature. If they are friendly, this will result in spirited arguments. If not -- well, let me just say things can get ugly in a very great hurry.
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