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Thread: Effect Builder

  1. #1
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Mar 2021
    Massachusetts, USA

    Effect Builder

    I've created a GUI to make creating effects easier and hopefully show how the Effect strings go together. Each effect can be edited via the magnifying glass which opens a secondary window.

    You can find it here:

    For those that work on extensions, and want to look at the code I've hosted it here:
    I tried to push functionality down into individual effect editors, this should allow for extensions to this extension that override the types of effects supported.

    I've created plugins supporting rulesets here:
    D&D 5E:
    D&D 3.5/PFRPG:
    Last edited by SoxMax; January 18th, 2022 at 23:37.

  2. #2
    I had a similar idea but haven't done anything other than its all in my head. Nice one! I look forward to where this goes.

  3. #3
    Why not use the effects window?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MrDDT View Post
    Why not use the effects window?
    It is not about saving effects, but for helping building effects without the need to know the syntax The advanced effects extensions usually have something similar, a set of dropdown/cycle menus to select desired behaviours. e.g. selecting something resulting into "Resistance against fire" will generate the effect RESIST: fire So, this is about increasing accessibility of the effects' syntax (that's the rough explanation; I had not the time to look at it myself )

  5. #5
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    What Kelrugem said is right, its about making effects more accessible to people.

    My main focus at the moment is on getting the structure of the code right so that adding support for new rulesets/extensions/effects is easy to do. Followed closely by making sure the UI is usable, no point in trying to make Effects accessible if the UI that is supposed to do it isn't accessible to people!

  6. #6
    SoxMax's Avatar
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    Pushed a pretty big update to the UI. Now effect editors are inline with the rows on the Builder page. Let me know what people think of this layout instead?

  7. #7
    This kind of tool has a ridiculous amount of potential.

    I'm envisioning a single tool that gives everyone the information that is spread across dozens of extensions and could be a community effort to bring together most (if not all) of the effect coding additions.

    I'm not sure my explanation is expressing what I mean very well, heh.
    Last edited by BushViper; January 14th, 2022 at 22:25.

  8. #8
    *Edit, mistake*

    I was tinkering around with this and it's incredibly cool. I can't wait until more options are added. Having a 1-stop shop for building effects would be an incredible time saver.

    I regularly build effects for items, spells, and abilities, but despite that I have to constantly go look up the effect to make sure I have the syntax perfectly in order. This kind of tool would make that a thing of the past and streamline the process.

    However, I did notice that the effect line itself cannot be edited. Can that be opened so we can add effects that aren't yet in the arsenal?
    Last edited by BushViper; January 15th, 2022 at 03:36.

  9. #9
    I did a quick test using this extension with the Starfinder ruleset. I was able to build a few effects without any problems. I’ll do more testing this weekend.
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  10. #10
    I very like it so far

    In case you did not know yet: One can seemingly not erase effects (in the effects section, the lowest section); one can add new ones but not delete a line the red button does not react to mouse clicks (tested in 3.5E )

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