1. #1

    Review of token placement

    Hi all.
    To provide some context, I'm setting up the map for the Blackwall Keep encounter in the Age of Worms campaign (3rd part out of 12). It involves the players approaching the keep where about 30 lizardfolk are laying siege to the keep. They are grouped in 6 groups of 5 around the keep. So my question is this: Is there a way AFTER i do the Encounter and do token placement, that I can go back to the encounter map and preview where I originally placed the lizardfolk? I can't seem to find any "button" that will give me a "preview" of where i put the lizardfolk. I know that I can click the down chevron and they are all positioned on the map and the combat tracker then gets populated, but it seems a little heavy handed if I just want to "tweak" the placement. Any tips highly appreciated, as always.. I might just be missing something obvious.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    No there's no way to preview where tokens have been placed. The only way is to add the encounter to the CT.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #3
    As Zacchaeus said, you have to click the button to add them to the combat tracker.

    The good news is two things:

    1. Tokens automatically go into a hidden state (only viewable to the GM) unless the GM makes them visible by clicking the button. This is good if you need to make adjustments in game without spoiling it with your players.

    2. You can remove all the enemy NPCs (or even all non-friendly ones) with a single button click from the combat tracker. So you can add to the combat tracker to see where they are at and remove them all at once when you are done, if need be.

    Unfortunately, if you need to change positioning, you will need to either do it during the game by just moving them before revealing them to the players. If you want to do it advance for your encounter, it might just be easier to reposition all of them than it is to try to figure out a specific token in the group.

    As someone who has run this adventure before (and plans on running it again), I would recommend that you make the 4 or 5 groups as separate encounter records, rather than shoving them all into one encounter record. This will make it easier to manage and move around if you need to do that. Not sure how you are planning it but I definitely make separate encounter groups for this encounter.

    Hope this helps,
    Developer for lots of adventures, particularly 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder 2E

    Timezone: US Eastern Time
    Ultimate License Holder

  4. #4
    Hi all. Thanks for the replies. Yes.. I was thinking the exact thing last night. 6 groups rather than 30 individual lizardfolk, haha

  5. #5
    You could check out either one of these extensions, they might do the trick:

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by jrowsey1 View Post
    You could check out either one of these extensions, they might do the trick:
    They both look great, but (yet again) are both only 5E.

    Does anyone know of any similar extensions that work in other systems?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by TopHatG View Post
    They both look great, but (yet again) are both only 5E.

    Does anyone know of any similar extensions that work in other systems?
    The situational awareness extension of the first link is for "all" rulesets

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