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  1. #1

    Are all the XML files in a dev campaign necessary?

    I'm putting this here as I'm not sure where else it should go. I'm not having a glitch, it's more clarification whether all the cumulative files in a dev folder are needed forever. (Since the work was started in Classic I'm finishing it in Classic - also, FGC's ceiling serves as guardrails for breaking up a large mod for min spec machines.)

    I'm splitting the OSRIC mod as discussed elsewhere on the forums here. Unlike most people who make things for fantasy grounds, I don't know XML so I work entirely using the fantasy grounds interface. I copied the main folder, made some final edits, deleted out non-GM parts, and then further copied that folder so each part I would split the GM part into would have its own dedicated dev camapaign/folder going forward.

    But each time I do this, I'm making another 10+ gigabyte folder on my hard drive since the original OSRIC folder was a work-in-process since early this year. Most of the files in that folder are XML files made each day I logged in to FG and worked further on the OSRIC mod. Do I need each and every one of these XML files that cumulatively take up 95% of the space in each copied campaign folder? If they're reversion/backup files or just "WIP" files, I'm never going to revert back to work I did in April, for instance.

    What (if anything) can be safely deleted so that 60 gigabytes of space on my SSD isn't leased forever to these dev folders?
    Last edited by EOTB; August 6th, 2021 at 22:30.

  2. #2
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    There are some backup files, but they get rotated/created and oldest deleted automatically so they don't stack up too much.

    If you have extra campaign folders that you don't think you need any more, you can get rid of those, but be sure, as you can't recover them unless you have a backup.

    If you are uncertain, give us some screen shots with file extensions and details (size and date) shown and we can tell you more specifically.

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  3. #3
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    The session files (which is what I assume you are referring to) are backup files. Only the most recent 10 are kept and you can delete them if you want, but if you ever corrupt your db.xml file you’ll have no backup. So I would not recommend that you do that.

    Those files are going to be pretty small and not a chance that they are going to add up to 10 Gb. That kind of disc space is most likely being taken up by some massive images or tokens folder that you are copying with each campaign. So I’d look to reducing the contents of that folder if you want to save disc space. Deleting a few xml files isn’t going to do anything to reduce the footprint on your hard drive.
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  4. #4
    The backup files do not get automatically cleaned up on FGC; only on FGU.

    FGU deletes anything more than 10 session backup XML files that are older than 30 days.


  5. #5
    So these are mostly irrelevant going forward, except for perhaps keeping the last few? There seem to be two types. (I know the db.xml file is necessary)FG files 1.pngFG files 2.pngFG files 3.pngFG files 4.pngFG files 5.png

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Sorry, I didn’t notice this was posted in Classic.

    I’m not quite sure why you have so many db.script files. I think it has something to do with certain rulesets which use them to migrate data. I honestly don’t know whether they are safe to delete or not.
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  7. #7
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    The many db.script files is indicating that some FG script has caused a database backup. As Zacchaeus mentions, this is probably part of some data migration built into the ruleset - checking the version of the data when loading the campaign and updating to the most recent. It's purely a backup in case the migration goes awry. So you can delete old ones.

    The script API command used is DB.backup: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassia...4582/DB#backup

    So many db.script files (sometimes multiple in one day) is not necessarily an issue, but is an indication of the data you're working on maybe being old data. The FG console would have an information line starting with "Migrating campaign database to latest data version" and include the old and new data versions - are you using some application to auto generate the db.xml outside of FG?
    Last edited by Trenloe; August 7th, 2021 at 07:11.
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  8. #8
    Thanks for the info - I built it in a vanilla 2E AD&D campaign with the 1E extension Celestian built to modify that ruleset, so it may be something that's part of that ruleset. Otherwise I'm not doing anything fancy. No scripts or anything like that. I just get into FG, load up the campaign and start making stuff. It wasn't uncommon for me to log out and log back in to FG multiple times on days where I worked on it more than other days. It was an iterative process, as I'd figure out a better way to do something and then go back and update previous work, so if it made a XML file whenever I went back over something I'd done a while before, and starting changing, that would account for a lot of it.
    Last edited by EOTB; August 7th, 2021 at 08:42.

  9. #9
    Unless the db.script files were made in the last month or two; I would delete them.
    For the db.session files, you probably only need a week or two (or at least 3) to be safe.

    As I mentioned before FGC does not clean up, though FGU does clean up db.session files as I noted above (but not db.script).


  10. #10
    There is a "backup db file" option in the campaign settings. You can turn it off.
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