1. #1

    Client Dice and Hot Keys get reset after updating

    My players have been seeing an issue when they run the updater on the client. After they update; all of their hot keys are blanked out and their dice colors reset to black.

    This only seems to be when they players update their client and not when I update mine as the DM.

    Is this a known bug? I have not been able to find information about it.

    It is quite annoying as I have players running multiple characters so they have to go back through and reset their dice colors for each and then go back through each to get their hot keys reset.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    It sounds to me like things aren't saving properly. Whatever is in the quickbar slots is saved in a file called user_settings.xml inside the campaign folder inside the cache folder. Each campaign is separate so setting the keys in one won't affect any other campaign.

    Make sure that your players have installed their data folders to the default location and/or they have an exception for FG in their anti virus.

    Additionally everyone should be on the same version of FG and on the same server. So make sure that no-one is on the test or dev servers and that everyone is on Live.

    Oh, and one more thought. Make sure that the players don't release their characters before they log out of your game.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #3
    So that setting is in the user_settings.xml file on the client machine?

    What is odd this only happens when the player updates their client to the newest version. I have a player that did not update their client and her dice color and hot keys stayed the same as was before. all players are also running the Live client as I do not even think any of them know how to change it to be for dev/test servers (could those clients even connect to my campaign if I am running only on Live?).

    I will have to check if they have installed in the default directory but I do know that they are running as an admin on their machine. I will also have to check to see if the 2 players I have that run on Macs had the same issue (I know 2 of the players on Windows did; the 3rd had not updated the client so none of those were reset).

    If that user_settings.xml file is one that is on the client side machine; maybe after they get them set right, the player can make a copy of it so if it does get reset they can reapply it by putting the file back in (although that would mean restarting the client).

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Sorry the file is actually called hotkey.xml; its the folder that's called usersettings. The thing is if everything changes after an update that points to something more fundamentally wrong. If the hotkeys aren't saving then some other things shouldn't be saving either - such as their characters or indeed any campaign data. It could be a permissions issue but it would be strange if all of your players had the same issue. I'd expect maybe one to have a problem not all of them. They shouldn't need to run in admin mode either - if they are running in admin mode because it won't run otherwise then something is off with their installation. I don't know much about macs but generally the same principles should apply to the data folders.

    Updating the client should not have any impact whatsoever on the data folder. A client update will only alter files in the installation folder. And even an update to say a module they own whilst that will change part of the data folder it will have no impact on the cache folder inside data. So, whatever is causing the issue is something that all your players are doing they probably shouldn't be doing. But I'm at a loss as to exactly what that might be.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #5
    The file would be on their machine or mine?

    I see on my machine the file and it has the hot keys that I have set as the GM.

    I know that the players haven't been changing anything themselves on files but maybe it is an extension that I have running.

    Now one player might have had things reset as he had just installed the client on a new machine and maybe that is why all of the settings were reset (for if it comes from the client and not the GM then the new machine would not have had them).

    I will try to have the player that had not updated their client run the updater and see if her dice color and hot keys reset when she runs the updater.

  6. #6
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Yes, if the player has just made a new installation then they'll not have any data. The usersettings folder is inside the Smiteworks/Fantasy Grounds/cache/campaignname folder on the client side.

    And yes, I should have considered extensions. Always test in a new campaign without extensions when something goes wrong.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #7
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    It's also possible if you are using FGC and they are on Mac running wine they could be deleting and reinstalling FG, and then would effectively be deleting all their local files.

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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    It's also possible if you are using FGC and they are on Mac running wine they could be deleting and reinstalling FG, and then would effectively be deleting all their local files.
    This campaign has only ever been on FGU and those using the Macs are the direct install for Macs.

  9. #9
    * Are there any errors reported in the console.log or console-prev.log files after exiting a session as the player? (It’s located in FG data folder.)

    * What is the FG data path in the Settings?


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Klandare View Post
    My players have been seeing an issue when they run the updater on the client. After they update; all of their hot keys are blanked out and their dice colors reset to black.

    This only seems to be when they players update their client and not when I update mine as the DM.

    Is this a known bug? I have not been able to find information about it.

    It is quite annoying as I have players running multiple characters so they have to go back through and reset their dice colors for each and then go back through each to get their hot keys reset.
    All of my players had this issue as well over the weekend, in two different campaigns. Everything they hotkeyed had reset, and I just chalked it up to a snafu during updating.

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